Just what the U.S. needs: The KFC Double Down

I know, I haven't been to the gym in a couple weeks, but have definately made the elliptical my witch cause of the tasty goodness in a wrapper.

we each have our nemeses'

mine is the vertical crunch machine

I love working out, there isn't a thing I hate in the gym, even when it kicks my butt. About that sandwich, we got the lower fat version yesterday because the prep boy only put one piece of bacon on it rather than the required TWO, *wink* LMAO

MMMMM, tasty, it is high fat and salt, but in terms of straight up calories, this is incredible for bulking, no bun = less carb = much better for bulking. I train with dudes that are in better shape then anyone I have ever met and the eat lots of double meat steak and cheeses from Scrubway and **** like that. If you lift heavy and work hard, you can eat what you want.

mmmmmmmmm, yes and no. there is other stuff to take into account. cholesterol, sodium, saturated fat.. . .etc.

there are much better (more healthy and efficient) ways to "bulk"

Well of course there is a clean bulk and a dirty bulk, but I have noticed absolutely no difference. Also cholesterol has absolutely no bearing on athletic fitness. It all depends on whether you are talking fitness or overall health. I still enjoy burgers and such and even though right now I am at my fattest in a while(Stopped caring about blubber and just wanted muscle), I just put down a 6:28 mile, and a 50min 10k. But if I keep doing this for years, I will be in good shape but bad health, you know what I mean?
