Mad about a ticket?

70 thank you very much!!! :

well if you have a week to get up the momentum.....

I really think you guys are over-reacting, do you get mad when someone who works for an insurance agent gets really cheap insurance, or someone who works for a morgage broker gets a great rate on a home? What about a delivery guy that gets free food, you guys have to pay for that same food but he gets it for free.......... Rediculous.

Same idea they're just in a different line of work, personally I get all the work pants/shirts/rags/mats I want ( I work for a uniform service company). Really when you break it down that's all this is, a bennefit of the job.

I really think you guys are over-reacting, do you get mad when someone who works for an insurance agent gets really cheap insurance, or someone who works for a morgage broker gets a great rate on a home?
Thanks for clarifying Pedro. I'm glad he's not carrying a gun to shoot police. Beef jerky is much more friendly. Although you could give it to the cop, maybe he will get a heart attack and die that way :

it was a joke, i do keep a card from my lawyer and make sure they know that they are going to be dealing with anything they do to violate my rights in court (I also record everything on my phone so that i have proof), I have been cuffed many times and then let go because i did nothing... and because i told them i was recording them!

many cops are fine but a few of the bad ones ruin it for them all.

I actually dont bring a gun with me (too much trouble and hassle and it scares people)

True, but the point is that 55, 65, or even 70 MPH speed limits are unnecessarily low, given the advances made in automotive technology and safety in the last fifty years.

"55 saves lives" may have been true in an era without crumple zones, full-coverage airbags, stronger metal alloys, and anti-lock brakes (with brake assist in some cases); however with the amount of engineering available in today's automobiles, there's no reason for the limits to be as low as they are. The speed regulation simply hasn't kept up with the times, and when we use the vehicle's capability, we're the ones that pay the price.

Simply put, if you travel as fast as your vehicle is designed to be able to while still being safe, you're going to get speeding tickets every day. Because the revenue from those speeding tickets goes directly to the state, the state would be foolish to adjust the speed limits up and eliminate a decent revenue stream.

Simply put, if you travel as fast as your vehicle is designed to be able to while still being safe, you're going to get speeding tickets every day.

True, but I still think cops should have to deal with the laws just like the rest of us

I couldn't agree with you more - the law is for everyone, and if you don't like it, take the necessary steps to get it changed. Don't just flout the law and expect to get away even if you're caught.

Cops let me off without a ticket. I hope they don't start ticketing everyone they pull over.

It's also like getting a discount on parts 'cause you know the parts guy. 8)
