Mainelypostwhore thread


U mean there are other people around here..hahaha.

We actaully looked at a few places in LF prior to purchasing here. contribution towards being a post ho.. ala the title of this post.
I can do that in my subaru too

hahaha.... That is my wife doing that.....

& I would like very much to watch, record and then post U on my Ewe-tewe doing such a dance in UR car. I think that would B a grand old time.

This is what we did for fun all winter while moving firewood and keeping a trail open around the homestead.

I'm the one driving as I was still healing from broken ribs..they I may or may not have gotten on the ATV.

and just because of the thread topic I need to call what I am doing what it really is....

I have only posted this about 100 times in the forums I moderate on another planet.

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