MainelySubarus Second Anniversary Meet & BBQ

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In. Stixxx too most likely. ill meet up with anyone in the windham area and cruse up with ya if you want...

I'll be there. Anyone got an urban camo tarp or something I can hide my car under during the pics? Don't want to break any expensive camera lenses.

This is definitely cool, get to finally meet some MS members and get to know the Evergreen team a little better.. going to be a long time before I can afford a new 'roo but when I can it'll be driven home from your lot.

We need music!!!
Any ideas? I was gonna bring something crappy but we could use something good.
I have a few things i could throw together for the day, as long as people brought music they would like to hear.

S%$t...... he is right.

that, or call TOS, and have them show up
great idea,maybe a bit short notice for this year,but with the right planning it would work on multiply levels ie:entertainment,marketing......I know a small time bookie
i mean [band]booking agent along with a sound and light company[road company will travel]....same outfit that did the great falls ballon fest.
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