Marino's Lifted Hawkeye - the Winter Beast


So I sold my winter rig awhile back (2000 RS coupe) and have since been on the lookout for another Subaru.

I really wanted a black bugeye. But as much as I looked around I couldn't find what I wanted that wasn't rusted or in decent shape. I checked craigslist every hour on the hour, I even had the search term "impreza" on CL emailed to me every time an Impreza was posted
Finally, I settled with an 07 2.5i. LOVE it. 127k miles, 5 speed, well maintained and female driven. It needs a little work, doesn't have a sticker at the moment but it shouldn't be an issue. Biggest thing is no rust, which was my main goal



WOW washing this thing without a massive hood scoop and a giant wing makes it so much easier

I want to get a roof rack, lip definitely, mud flaps, tint, fog lights and maybe a light bar, I'll probably throw the Rota's on when they're finished too. Headlight blackout like on the rex. Oh, and exhaust. Not sure what I'm going to do with that thanks to the 06/07 exhaust design 
 But it should be nice. None of that stuff will happen real soon though, it'll will need some work to get going before I can think about modding it.

Mainly needs a timing belt, previous owner said they "thought" it was done but wasn't 100% sure. Not a risk I'm willing to take so it will get done asap. Also needs a rear strut for a sticker. Christmas tree lights all over the dash as well 
 Was told it was just a sensor though as they pulled the code so I'm hoping it's nothing major (CEL and flashing cruise is what appears). 

Anyway, that's it for now! Stay tuned!

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Never fall for the "it just needs a sensor" bullsh*t.  It needs a cat converter.  The most expensive thing on the car except for the engine and trans.  Good news.  It may be covered by the factory.  1) Find out what the code(s) is/are.  2) if a "P0420 Cat efficiency below threshold" bring it to CHarlie's or Evergreen and see if its covered.  It should be.  Subaru has extended all its emissions crap warranty.  Cars are a lot faster with new cats.

Things to watch out for on the 06 & 07s.  Those oil pressure sensors on the cyl heads.  They leak.  They set codes.  They prevent you from revving past 4,000 rpms.   They are problematic and cause crappy problems but they cost only a few bucks and are easily replaced.

All the other typical Subaru issues you know about.  And, you know the n/a 07 is the fastest n/a with the most robust tranny.  Good luck!  Have fun!  That car is a keeper!

Never fall for the "it just needs a sensor" bullsh*t.  It needs a cat converter.  The most expensive thing on the car except for the engine and trans.  Good news.  It may be covered by the factory.  1) Find out what the code(s) is/are.  2) if a "P0420 Cat efficiency below threshold" bring it to CHarlie's or Evergreen and see if its covered.  It should be.  Subaru has extended all its emissions crap warranty.  Cars are a lot faster with new cats.

Things to watch out for on the 06 & 07s.  Those oil pressure sensors on the cyl heads.  They leak.  They set codes.  They prevent you from revving past 4,000 rpms.   They are problematic and cause crappy problems but they cost only a few bucks and are easily replaced.

All the other typical Subaru issues you know about.  And, you know the n/a 07 is the fastest n/a with the most robust tranny.  Good luck!  Have fun!  That car is a keeper!
Thanks for the reply and kind words!

As soon as the timing belt is done, I'll have the code read and see exactly what it is. I'm in no rush as I have my other car but I do want to get this squared away as soon as possible. We'll see if it is indeed the cat... After a little light reading I see that is a very common issue

And, you know the n/a 07 is the fastest n/a with the most robust tranny.  Good luck!  Have fun!  That car is a keeper!
Did not know that! Cool, thanks! I definitely plan on keeping it

Mmm... 07 2.5i is the daily I've been dreaming of for awhile. But, a wagon. 
haha. Funny, it kind of makes me wish my WRX was a hawkeye

All the parts to get this going have been ordered... I also got an OBD2 bluetooth adaptor and I'm going to use my phone with the "Torque" app and see what the cel is among other things. Should be cool, I've read a lot of good things about that app

This is my inspiration........... except the wing, and add a lip:


So excited to have a Subaru that's functional
I'm even on the fence about lifting it honestly

I have an OBD2 bluetooth adapter and the Torque Pro app. Best $20 I've ever spent!!! 

Also... LIIFFTTT ITTTT!! haha. Throw some forester struts in, good to go!!

I have an OBD2 bluetooth adapter and the Torque Pro app. Best $20 I've ever spent!!! 

Also... LIIFFTTT ITTTT!! haha. Throw some forester struts in, good to go!!
I support the decision to lift it.
SO tempted. It will most likely happen, but not for awhile unfortunately. Funds are getting low and I have to plan accordingly.. I would absolutely love to have it lifted the more I think about it. Anything else I'd need to do besides swap in the Forester struts? I'll read up on it

Slam thst biach
I'm not dealing with 2 lowered Subaru's lol but yes, this will be my winter one!

Just Forester struts would work fine. Outback trailing arm brackets could be used to recenter the rear wheel, but not necessary on this body style. 98-08 Forester strut assemblies will bolt right in. 03-08 would probably be better for you though.then you'd be able to fit a 215 60 16 tire with ease.

^ Looks good man!!

Just Forester struts would work fine. Outback trailing arm brackets could be used to recenter the rear wheel, but not necessary on this body style. 98-08 Forester strut assemblies will bolt right in. 03-08 would probably be better for you though.then you'd be able to fit a 215 60 16 tire with ease.
Cool thanks! sounds easy enough. one of the many reasons I love Subarus... They're like legos!

My OBD2 adapter came in the mail today. I bought the cheapest adapter I could find
but almost regretted it when I didn't get it to work. Messed with it for an hour or so and then just as I was about to give up, it worked. So I was able to find out what the codes were. No po420, but a couple others I'll have to look up and diagnose. Anyone have these before?


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Just one sensor, they're all on the same one. I think that's the front. 

Also, I've had two cheap OBD-2 dongles, they're the ~$10-$15 blue ones. Both have been able to read other manufacturer's ECUs instantly but struggle with Subaru. It never works first try, gotta let it sit there and think for ages.

My two: <-- My first one. The bluetooth chip was poorly soldered on and broke off eventually inside. <-- my current one. Has better build quality, hasn't fallen apart.

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Cool, 1 sensor is not as bad as I thought at first. I'll get on that asap.

This is the OBD2 I have:


It worked once when I got the codes, after an hour of fiddling with it. Now I can't get it to work with Torque either on this car or my WRX. It'll connect and do everything right until Torque (Pro) says something to the effect of it not being able to talk to the ECU. I emailed the seller I got it from, but I'm not holding my breath. That one you have currently looks like it's a decent one


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