Media Blasting?

240sx gt-s

New member
So I'm sitting in my garage with a set of rims I got had on... They are effed... 3 of the 4 have these terrible black stains all over the finish... And I've tried every cleaner/acid/chemical to "clean" it up, but nothing works. So I've come to the second to the last resort. Airplane stripper. Yup. I'm stripping them.

Well, trying to... I haven't found that good stuff yet - that thick goo that will burn holes in your skin if you're not careful. So here I am, back in the garage. With a can of spray stripper... And its taking FOREVER. So last resort here I come. Media blasting. I remember reading awhile back that Ralli (was it?) does powder coating, chemical stripping and media blasting. And I was curious as to what that would cost. I have four 18" rims.

I'm going to look around for that gallon jug of airplane stripper tomorrow. If anyone knows where i can get that, I'd appreciate it :thumbsup: But I'm very interested in media blasting these sobs...


HR radness

His royal radness
Ralli has low prices and he does a good job, no lost skin in the process

What I always thought was funny is that I think on the can it says "aircraft remover", not aircraft PAINT remover:)


240sx gt-s

New member
Ralli has low prices and he does a good job, no lost skin in the process

What I always thought was funny is that I think on the can it says "aircraft remover", not aircraft PAINT remover:)
So it is Ralli? I'll have to PM him or something.

Isn't that the best part? I love that it can remove airplanes if you want it too, haha.



I would PM him. he isn't on much lately.

but if you decide to do it yourself stray away from the crushed glass.



Active member
have you tried leaving that stuff on the paint longer? i had some of the gel stuff and tried putting it on a paper towel and scrubbing off some paint, its barely touched it. if i smeared some on there (hence the gel makeup) and let it sit it would wrinkle the paint up and it would wipe right off.

if you want to go powdercoated, ralli is definetly the way.


240sx gt-s

New member
Yeah I've tried different time intervals. The can says let it sit for up to half an hour. My last, and most sucessful attempt I left the stuff on for and hour and a half. but that was after 3 previous applications...

After these guys are stripped, I'm thinking of just clearing over the bare aluminum. Any thoughts?



New member
I have used the stuff before, it works, but with A LOT of work, especially to get is perfectly clean.



New member
you could try to use some heat, that may speed up the reaction time in the stripper and soften the sealer/paint itself quickly.. Not an open flame, but a heat gun.



dont know if you found it or not, but honestly i found aircraft surface remover at Autozone. they had it in spray cans and also in gallon cans. stuff is GREAT.
