Meyagi's Lexus Gs300

after much planning and prepping, i took a day off from customer cars and pulled the GS in this am... it was kinda weird seeing one of my cars on the lift haha

exactly 12 hours later, Matt and i were hammering up my road in the 4 door Supra
swap went flawless, runs awesome, sounds awesome, and goes like a... well a Supra!


Hopefully going to RI tomorrow to pick up a SC300 for my brother. if he gets the car, hes ordering a 1JZGTE swap next week haha

So it was all plug and play? Swap out wiring harness, and bolt everything in and no merging?

What would you compare it to in quickness?

There is a 2dr Lexus over in bowdion that has been sitting for at least the last year if you are looking for another to do mikey

I'm tired.....

It was really impressive how it all went together and she hauls butt. I give it another year and this will be a single turbo 700hp monster.





Got to take a "spirited" ride in the four door Supra the other day in between Mike doing work on my Legacy. Very cool car, hauls ass! Especially for a 4,000lb car!

What does a 2jzGTE cost to overnight from Japan these days?

Waiting on some videos, and now you have me thinking.
it was overnight from canada actually, well more like 5 days, but the cost was resonable for what came with my package...
