Meyagi's winter bomber *213awhp @ 8psi*

ill make sure we push it to the limits during the drift season!!!! of course I dont think lowes will like having subie guts all over there parking lot

heres some more pics


cobbled together motor


had to run the inlet under the manifold due to lack of room behind it. inlet is made out of some DSM intercooler hose and a piece of exhaust pipe

got the car running today, and finished up some small things. took a little screwing with to make it run decent, and I had to block off the iac motor because the ecu didnt want to work with it and the idle was at like 2500rpm. now that its blocked off I set the idle to about 1100 and all is well. took it for a ride up the road, and its pretty quick.... definatly faster then a 2.5rs. the block may have a slight rod knock at higher rpms, but im going to run it till it really knocks then just swap the shortblock out.



for the money invested, im happy with how its coming out.

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haha id never build something this hack for someone else, if it blows up then I look bad. if this thing blows up I do not care lol

yeah yeah I know
this is not a representative of Meyagi quality, more of a "what can I do with all these spare parts"

its on wastegate pressure which should be about 7psi. I can run up to 12psi before the legacy ecu gets mad and cuts fuel. it should be safe above 12psi tho, comp ratio is low, and ive got plenty of fuel injector.

I've been looking at beater Subarus to buy since you started this thread. Way to go Mike! I want to build one someday.

you can use a fuel cut defender to run over stock ECU boost. I did it with around 12-14 lbs boost with no knock. I guess it depends on how fast u wanna replace the shortblock:)

ok so I hadnt touched this thing in a while, so I put it back in yesterday and replaced th following

steering rack, hard lines were all rotted, had a wrx rack, found out after it was in that the splines on the connector shaft are different. no biggie, made a new u joint shaft.

shifter assy, it was hardcore mystery shift

some of the front brakes

all 4 struts and springs, installed WRX units.

still some minor stuff to do, install turbo fuel pump and see why gas gauge reads E all the time. Need to put a wideband in and see why under 2k rpm it falls on its face when you get on the gas. 3k and up it pulls like..... well like a wrx. not bad for $47

put a few miles on it on my road tonight. it runs and drives surprisingly well for what it is, fixed the low rpm bogging, turns out I had the tps wired wrong at the ecu... whoops

at 9psi im just about maxing out the legacy hitachi maf sensor, so I guess that's where the boost levels are staying. oh well, its fast enough the way it is. it will be spending more time going sideways then straight anyways lol

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was bored last night, really bored, and decided the impreza needed a wing of some kind, so a few of us set to work and this is what we came up with.

monster energy/ken block paint job to follow.

ATTN: If you dont like it, think it stupid/gay/ricey/retarded/fanboi/whatever, you dont need to reply! I do not give a damn about this car, its merely something for me to beat the crap out of in the snow. yes it looks ridiculous, no I dont care. As ive stated, this is a $47 car that will probably be destroyed before spring comes, in the spirit of having fun. it was a rust bucket POS I was going to scrap anyways. No, I do not think im a pro rally driver because I have red flaps and a big wing on my subaru. Yes, I like drifting around in the snow, no I dont think im a pro. I however can hold my own on slippery surfaces

that being said, Enjoy! ill take some more pics tomorrow outside


oh, and in the spirit of recycling, they side panels for the wing are made out of the piece dave cut out of the hood to fit the hood scoop (which is ziptied on btw)

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