Mini Group Drive

Time to pick up a new one. If you hit har enough to dent the wheel, did you bang up the tire too? Taking a hit that hard will sometimes put a bubble in the sidewall. Might wanna inspect the inside and outside of the tire really well to make sure the tires in decent shape. I would hate for you to have to replace it 2 winters down the road because you developed a small leak, and have them be out to spec of the tread depth. Where they are new, now would be the time to fix the issue.

I was worried about that but the tires seem to be fine. I think the issue is that they are cheap 5 spoke rims. Probably hit it just right between 2 spokes. I had the rims and the tires checked out, the only one with an issue was front driver side rim so they rebalenced all 4 and moved the warped rim to the rear driver side. I would have had it moved to the rear passenger side, but I didn't feel like having them remount and swap 2 directional tread tires and Farmtown VIP said it didn't seem necessary either. I will pick up a new rim as soon as I can manage it.

yea, lites are mounted to stock roof rack, reversed. switched for 2 middle, 2 outer, 1 rear. they're great for dark unlit roads, like around here!
