MS August 2009 Group Meet

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WRXSuShi will be +1!

I will be unable to attend. I will be in D.C. spending the week in class and sleeping at the Hilton. I will have to make it to one of the next meets...It's been a while.

I'm gonna be able to make this one with a rare Weds PM off. WrxNate will be happy that a So.Maine member will be showing up to a central Me meet for a change. The last meet at this spot it was effin cold outside if I remember correctly and the rack o' ribs were yummie! See ya all there.

Westbrook to Lewiston is like 20 min that's not central maine, augusta i might give it to you but really need to get to watervile for central maine

Westbrook to Lewiston is like 20 min that's not central maine, augusta i might give it to you but really need to get to watervile for central maine
20 minutes?! Jeez, drive quick enough?

I agree however, Lewiston is no where near central Maine

I live right near ya. South Portland in Red Bank. Too bad I will be out of work at 630pm and all the way down in Seabrook NH...working 12hr shifts kinda suck, take away ur socail life. I'll catch the next one

well currently i am in Farmington living in my school apt, but my house and all my toys (except my motorcycle and my audi) are in the brook

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