Before people get too riled up about this...Because we have such a big group this time, Rooster's has asked us to "pre-order". 30 people at one time is a lot for a restaurant, so they would like me to get the order from as many people as possible.
So read this http://www.roosters.com/sites/default/files/_pdf-base/Roosters_Online_Menu.pdf
and post your order, please and thank you!
It's a mixed bag, I understand why the restaurant is doing it, to make it easier on them. I did my time in the food industry during school. If you've never worked in the food industry, you don't know the joy of a school bus showing up unannounced at the last hour of your double shift... At the same time it sucks for us because it's not like we're a big family who can bang out an order list easily and it is very short notice. It's more like herding cats for us to get an order together. It is what it is. I understand people decide short notice or things come up, etc. We have to do the best we can. I have the utmost confidence we can still get a pretty big pre-order list going to make it easier on the local businesses!
Post what you're getting, OR PM me. I'll be calling it in day of at NOON since GClark will be away from the internets for a little while. Help me help them.
Here's a link to the menu: http://www.roosters.com/sites/default/files/_pdf-base/Roosters_Online_Menu.pdf