MS December Meet 2009

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Oh its ok guys. I can understand fully. No one can predict the weather when we plan these things. And this was in no way a "regular storm".

Honestly, I think the weather is a cop out and ANYONE who uses the term "AWD FTW" and doesn't live up to it, needs not to ever use it again.

Rain, snow, shine, blizzard, etc will never keep us from attending a meet. Monster-in-laws whining, vacations, or hospitalizations may prevent us from attending a meet.

We are willing to travel great distances to interact with Subaru lovers.

Do you know, right past Portland, all the way down to Portsmouth, NH the snow was GONE. There wasn't a bit on the road, the grass/ mud practically stuck out everywhere, and there was a huge thunder and lightening storm.

I know I don't have any say in this, but it is extremely heartbreaking when lame excuses are given as to why some can't get together for ONE NIGHT out of the month.

I've said it before, I had one job that I planned to get out of work for STM meets that 1st Thursday of every month. I was granted it, knowing my work was done, or could be resumed in the morning.

Weather excuses KILL me. I'm sorry, they just do. We are not in a forum that consists of Kia's or something that wouldn't handle well in the weather.

I don't know what it's gonna take to get us all on the same page, to enjoy one night together.

There's the benefit of the 50/50 which contributes to the site as well as to your pocket if you win, the more attendees- the better the prize.

Toys for Tots was scheduled for LAST MONTH's meet, and a lot of people didn't read that, so they rescheduled another Toys for Tots drive for yesterday, only to have... well, not a lot to give.

Thankfully there is the bin at Evergreen.

And please don't blame your lack of attendance due to the "economy". If you decided you couldn't afford food, or a toy: food could easily be shared with a friend, and you split the bill, and toys- WalMart and funny enough even the Dollar Store have half way decent gifts for kids.

I hope January's meet is more successful, it's my birthday month then, and I'd like something to become of it.

I did not plan on attending this meet anyway because of many private reasons that I don't want to get in to on the forums. I am sorry that the turnout wasn't so good. I did get to play for about 5 minutes in a Farmington parking lot though, I was at least thinking of you guys.

I did, Maine Indoor Karting, and it was a flop, with over a month or so of scheduling- I had the place saved for us and everything on a Saturday mid afternoon til close.

I don't think that MiK is the same as a dinner or even just a meet-up. MiK costs about a dinner's worth of money for a single race.

I don't think that MiK is the same as a dinner or even just a meet-up. MiK costs about a dinner's worth of money for a single race.
I would say you clearly didn't read my post then.

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