You`ll be missing out on a free brewaww bummer lads...I gots a work related par-taay Weds nite.
hem,,,go to MS meet and get fired from work, or go to work and get fired from MS!??
at night? I'll be finishing up homework and I'll try to tune in.Remember, any of you that are leaving between 8 and 9, tune in to the Bone to hear my band on the radio
Ahh yes a fellow veteran, thanks for your service and enjoy the day!cant make it.. have some veterans day festivities...
Don't worry about that, the place is a restaurant so you can have dinner and hang out. People just grab a [good] beer with dinner, I know that's why I like the establishment choices MS makes. Brewpub with a full menu, it's not 21+.I'm interested but i cant drink so that kinda sucks