MS October Meet '11

I have a feeling this meet is gonna run smoothly!! Remember, gratuity will be added to your check.

I know this is late, but I will also not be attending due to work.

I'll see you guys on the group drive in 1.5 weeks!!!!

out. damnit. still haven't been to a meet in all my time on here. but making money is a touch more important

I'm sorry to say, but this meet was a bust. Wish more would have come out. The food was alright. Still had a flighty waitress, but what's new. But the turn out was disappointing. Hope to see more at the next meet.... Augusta?

I thought it was a pretty good meet! My food was good, and cool people were there.

The food was ok, but not for the price tag!! It took forever to get the food ,and it was a small turnout. Still good company.

whew! You had my back! I thought it was gonna be a duel between us! ^^ what he said!
