OK, a few updates on the buggy. I got the chain bridge done. Up until snow the car was on the road and driving. Its a blast! I found an ad on craigslist for a Bel Air with daytons and airbags. Called on it, and found out he had a full set of hydraulics, plus the wheels. I get there, and its 2 degrees, he didnt have anything removed besides the wheels and cylinders. So we tore the car apart, the wife's WRX was sitting on the ground when i was done. Ended up getting: 4 chrome pumps, 2 of them are professional level Prestolite hopping pumps, with aircraft dump valves, with Bobcat size hydraulic lines (3/4"), 4 cylinders 2 10", 2 20" chrome, 7 Odyssey pc1700 AGM batteries, lots of solenoids, fittings etc, 16 switch setup so i can play like Dre... plus a set of orig Dayton 14x7 reverse stainless wire wheels, with nice tires. Gave some stuff in trade, I had about $600 total in it. think I did OK, the batteries alone are $300 a piece. Ill do another post after this one, maybe I can get a couple pics up finally. We got a new computer for Christmas, so ill upload my in action pics asap. I also found some old Soundstream stuff on ebay, so i snapped that up, so the system will be just about what i would have done back in the 90s when i should have been driving one of these...