My time has come


Since I no longer own a Subaru and I don't have as much time as I used to, it is time for me to depart M/S and leave it in the hands of Matt. He will now handle all day to day functions as well as all the meets, events, merchandise, etc. I will still be here to maintain the forum software and server side of things, but other than that the club is now in the hands of Matt.

It has been a great 5 years running this club and I've enjoyed every minute of it. I will try to go to group meets as my work schedule allows, and I will be in touch with many of you on FB. It's been a pleasure getting to know you all!

It's about damn time.
pleasure to have you run the club. Did a great job. I'm sure Matt wont run us into the ground

Congratulations Matt, and good luck to you Carter!  Thanks for creating such a great site and community for all of us to enjoy.

youll still be around so its not a total parting of ways ..time is a luxury to a lot of people myself included so im trying to work in getting to some meets and whatnot hope to see you at one and thank you for this site  

matt seems to have things in hand and in mind ..cant wait to see whats in store  ..  

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Carter you will be missed! I am sure I will see you around though. Make sure you make it to the meets!

i thought this happened a long time ago?

sad to see ya go nonetheless. too bad you bought a bmtroubleyou

I want to thank Carter for starting this site back in 08 no easy thing for a young man of 23 to do. Nothing stands still time marches on for all of us.

Carter, your presence here will be missed. You have done so much for this club to make it what it has become today.

For any of you that want to contact him directly, PM me and I will give you his phone number if you do not already have it


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