NE Forest Rally Pics.

hey thanks again for sticking around and running crowd controll on SS7. and helping me get 55 out of the weeds.

Ok did anyone get any pix of teh 4runner in action?

Load 'em and send 'em! My office dosen't believe me without pix.
I have this shot on digital video just haven't loaded it into the computer yet.


I'll toss up mine now that I have finally uploaded them.

Had a lot of fun during the 4 middle dam stages. Shame they didn't have the 30 min break between the first and last 2 since I had sweet talked the marshal or whatever to let us walk to the the next spectator area
during the break that never happened.

Nice in town pics 92Justy. Gives it a Euro rally flavor.

Trainable, I like those dusty on stage pics a lot. You can tell they were flying because the cloud behind them is long and still low.


Thanks!!! I was lazy and didn't even bother to take pictures till the last stage, but boy were they hauling ass for those last 2 stages. >
