Need MacBook repair

This is probably the most nonsense thing I've read on this forum so far.

Please educate yourself before you make statements such as these. I'm not even going to take the time to tear apart your rant because i'm about to eat dinner and I've been at a conference all day.

let us know how it goes, inski

I know I am gonna get flamed for this but I hate Macs with a passion. My solution? Hit it with a baseball bat a few times. If that doesn't fix it, get a PC Desktop and order cheap replacement parts with good reviews from Newegg. I also never use an antivirus, they cause more problems than they fix if you are a sensible computer user. I remove viruses manually. Always have more than 1 computer so you can have one to look up how to fix any problems that do pop up (Ussually software conflict related, due to the millions of apps available for PCs). PCs are cheaper IMO because they are more common, and so are thier parts and repair solutions because any ID10T with some time can fix one. Also they get more viruses and malware because people don't bother to write viruses for Macs because there aren't enough of them for the virus to efficiently spread. Which would render a virus useless. Also everyone likes to talk about how reliable Macs are but they brake at least as often as PCs and cost more for the brand name labeled parts. Macs are better at photography and music why? Because Apple had to focus on something and PCs already had cornered the market on all the money making worthwile Ideas. So apple says, lets make our computers appeal to "alternative thinkers" and "creative types" and all those other people that don't use thier computer to make a living. I really dislike Macs. I also don't like how the Maine school system prepares kids for a life of using PCs by training them on MAC. How many law firms and engineering firms and doctors offices and auto repair facilities use macs? Which leads me to another point, there is not as many software options when it comes to Macs. Sorry guys, my beliefs are pretty firm. End Rant, let the flaming begin.
Good luck on the repair Inski. Sorry if anyone took offense to my previous Rant post. I worked in computer repair for 7 years as a Tech before going in to engineering and design so these are just the conclusions I drew from my own experiances. I have decided that I dislike them, mostly because they don't do anything that I want to do. Try running CADD on a mac.

Good luck on the repair Inski. Sorry if anyone took offense to my previous Rant post. I worked in computer repair for 7 years as a Tech before going in to engineering and design so these are just the conclusions I drew from my own experiances. I have decided that I dislike them, mostly because they don't do anything that I want to do. Try running CADD on a mac.
Keep opinion stuff in the computer thread. Let's not sidetrack inksi's.

/end backseat modding.


Yay! it works...mostly. Some functions aren't doing what their suppose to but for the most part everything is going good.

cliff notes

dL entire working mbook's contents onto my cheapy enternal hard drive because computer-to-computer was locked or something and CD drive was busted on both computers (school's computer all locked? who knows, who cares?!?)

uploaded that stuff to busted mbook with new hard drive.

Its alive. Fixed by 16 year old with nothing better to do! I'm proud of him!

Now for my opinions.

I sympathize with Ryan. We've spent over $2k on these Macbooks. Both CD drives on these Mac Books have crapped out shortly after the warranty. This one had the hard drive take a dump. The m-book that worked (mostly) all along developed battery memory right away and we'd have about 15 minutes of off-the-cord life....bought new battery..stupid money.

Now I have to buy an external cd drive so these m-books can run cds.

For half the money I've spent I can get 2 top of the line Notebooks and have double the possibilities and most likely triple the reliability. But when the Mac books are going well they are truely simple to use. I just never fully explored the full potential of Mac systems. And I think if the crap really hits the fan I'll truck these dudes other to Chris for full repair and a horse power increase!

You may want to try demoing a Netbook running linux at an electronics store. I believe some of the linux-driven netbooks have the OS specifically designed for netbookage (low hardware usage, easy to get to web/docs/email). I'll wait for Chris to chime in with any info he's got. I think I might be thinking of the ASUS Eee PCs but I can't remember for sure.

The asus laptops are a great netbook. I almost got one myself, but couldn't type very well. The other problem with them for me is that they punctuation keys are a bit smaller than the letter keys, and since I use the dvorak keyboard layout. But that would only be an issue for me ...

If you don't need to do anything special, they are a great latop though.

Inski, glad you hear you got it sorted out...

I'm not trying to pour salt on the wound, im just trying to make sense of your situation, since mine are/were so different, i.e.

-I've had my macbook for ~4 years now, and my off-cord battery life is still 1:30-2:00 hours, depending on use, and my cd drive still functions properly

-My g/f has had a mac book pro for ~2.5 years now and she still couldn't be happier with that thing, rock solid.

-My sister has a mac book about a year old now and same thing, no complaints whatsoever.

-One of my close friends has a macbook pro for about 3 years and runs final cut, photoshop, adobe premier, and more, and he's yet to run into any problems.

All 4 machines get plenty of regular use, 3 of which are/were design and video editing work horses, with 40+ hours a week each logged on them. So I have to think your experiences are somewhat unique, and I am sorry they haven't been similar to my own. I'm only stating this because Apple is one of the very few brand loyalties I have when it comes to spending a lot of cash. The other is Subaru. Those are the only 2 brands that I feel 100% confident suggesting to people when they ask "what kind of computer should I buy?" or "what kind of car should i buy?" because my experiences have been extra ordinary.

I have a very first generation macbook. Core duo. It is a POS. Now of course all my computers but my desktop are a POS because I get them free/broken ... but this macbook takes the cake.

Camera? broken

Mic? broken

Speakers? party broken

sleep light? broken

disk drive? used to work...

Ram ports? one works...

Screen? electrical taped in because it fell out once ...

What I've had to do to it? new battery, new hard drive, new keyboard/top case.

Most of which I had, so basically I have a laptop for around $100 that I can do my work on... But nothing very fancy.

Oh, and the original power adapter went in a plume of smoke as well.

I still like macs, mine is just special ... hehe.

I can't figure out what *******s are ...
