NEFR Photo/Video/ Post-event banter

I competently agree on that I was about a half mile in front of the jump on concord pond and when we left we almost got hit by drunk teenagers and the where everywhere!

Very sad to drive up from two hrs away just to see concord pond and it get ruined this way!

I was not able to post my photos for some reason but I have a couple shots of the concord pond run on my flickr check it out condcord pond run

I have some more from that run as well if anyone is looking for a certain car!


oh, I didnt know any mainely member lived close to where I work in NH....Dana place in Jackson is where im at..back to rally talk!

the best way to help remedy the problems on concord pond is to volunteer to marshall. it's not like you won't get a good vantage point. I know its not fun to herd stupid drunks, but the more herders we have the better we can control all the drunk idiots and avoid stage closures caused by the drunk idiots. even if you only volunteer for that stage and spectate the rest of the time.

the best way to help remedy the problems on concord pond is to volunteer to marshall. it's not like you won't get a good vantage point. I know its not fun to herd stupid drunks, but the more herders we have the better we can control all the drunk idiots and avoid stage closures caused by the drunk idiots. even if you only volunteer for that stage and spectate the rest of the time.
kat I think best way to get point across to local community is to cancel Concord Pond for 2012 and publicize that the actions of a few made it unsafe for all. then local pressure should help clean things up going forward....the locals make too much $$$ to let a good thing slip by. local pressure helps keep the snowmobile and ATV community in line, it can work for rally hooligans too.

then a year later the stage can come back with a fresh spectator plan in pace (like snow fencing in problem areas)...just to reinforce the point that NEFR organizers mean business when it comes to managing safety.


Marshalls aren't going to stop lifted bro trucks driving by at 50mph with open containers and people hanging out of the cab or standing in the bed. Fencing and bodies can only stop so much.

Presently there are two options.

1. Cancel Concord and go media heavy saying "THIS IS WHY WE CANT HAVE NICE THINGS".

2. Wait until someone gets killed on Concord. This option lets the media tell what ever story they want, which may reflect poorly upon the organization and/or the rally community. Plus someone got killed, which is, you know, bad.

I like the ideas I am far but I have an other idea....kinda harsh but I think it would work...... just need to suggest police road blocks before and after the stage next year the town will make a ton of money in fines and the next year I think ppl would get the point... hell I was waiting for the 5-0 to storm in at any point during the stage...that would have been funny as heck see sweep fallowed by state PD... most of the dumb drunk jerks were still in high school getting there redneck 15 year old girlfriends hammerd

it wouldn't be town cops (there aren't any) It would be county and state police. And unfortunately; if we want them, we're going to have to pay.

I like the ideas I am far but I have an other idea....kinda harsh but I think it would work...... just need to suggest police road blocks before and after the stage next year the town will make a ton of money in fines and the next year I think ppl would get the point... hell I was waiting for the 5-0 to storm in at any point during the stage...that would have been funny as heck see sweep fallowed by state PD... most of the dumb drunk jerks were still in high school getting there redneck 15 year old girlfriends hammerd
OH btw I was the dude who yelled "Greasemonkey!!" at you right before you parked your leggo in the bushes!

I think in trying to fix the Concord Pond issue you have to keep in mind things that will reflect poorly on Rally America, and the sport in general. If cops see that amount of public intoxication and chaos they may think that this is what every stage is like, which is bad publicity

yeah, you looked a little confused

I've been telling organizers for the last few years that they just need to cancel it for one year and let peer pressure take care of things. eventually they will come back to us begging to do the stage again. they are reluctant to do it tho


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