Neither snow, nor sleet , nor gloom of night......

He also said "They melt the plastic off the bumper of the guy in front of you."
Actually, anything that steps into the beam will be immediately incinerated. Esp. small cute furry creatures >

He also said "They melt the plastic off the bumper of the guy in front of you."
Actually, anything that steps into the beam will be immediately incinerated. Esp. small cute furry creatures >
I bought the lights in hopes of illuminating the LARGE furry creatures that reside in the woodlands of The Northeast Kingdom (VT), The Great North Woods(NH), The Western Mountains. I suspect I can't incinerate the large ones. So I need to SEE them.

...OK, so what do ya do when your new lights DO illuminate one o them large furry guys halfway thru a sweeper at night? (i.e., you don't have time to stop)

1. Gas it and hope for the best

2. Nail brakes and hope for the best

3. Aim for back of the animal

4. Swerve into opposite lane and hope for the best

Your life may well depend on the correct answer..........


That's why we say the hardware is only as good as the software...

Numero Dos...albeit in a controlled manner

Since the chances of smashing said Bambi are very high, better to hit the animal with the least possible forward energy and not risk going off the side of the road and centerpunching an 18" birch tree at 60 which will NOT get out of the way..ever

Not like THAT's happened to anyone recently

OR...hit the grenade and serve!!

move your arms out of the way of the air bags. gun it, aim for the back, and think of the new car your insurance is gonna buy you ;D

OOh, this is fun! Serious, tho...esp for those of us who commute briskly on remote N ME roads.

I'll get to the point when more of our illustrious STM leadfoots have weighed in

can mods move "dodging animals" part of this to its own new thread? titlae as above?



move your arms out of the way of the air bags. gun it, aim for the back, and think of the new car your insurance is gonna buy you ;D
I guess I need to switch to your insurance company. most of them will just pay you very little

well when you have a loan out on your car, and the bank wants full coverage.... for what i pay in insurance i could probaly buy a new car for what i pay in insurance. granted i also paid less for my car then it's worth by quite a bit. i hate when your insurance is more then your car payment.

ouch dude... car payment < insurance? and I thought MA insurance was bad.

Bear in mind... we don't have access to: Geico, All State, State Farm, Progressive & some others. We have only Liberty Mutual and a few small locally owned POS companies.

My car payment > my insurance on BOTH vehicles (Jeep & Impreza) with full coverage

PART of what I am hoping for, from the lights, is being able to see the critters a little sooner. Hence a (hopefully) larger braking distance.

I suspect Right has a better answer for this than I do, but I think each instance demands its own problems for avoidance. And whatever Right has to say I will CERTAINLY try to incorporate into my driving skills. I am positive he is technically a better driver than me. I personally try most times to not SLAM on the brakes so I have some steering control. Although lockin' 'em up and hoping for the best has worked.

And lets face it one of the best avoidance skills is driving a reasonable speed to begin with. I know that we do not always do that.

I'm hoping that if my driving lights help illuminate large animals even 20-50 feet sooner, that gives me more time. And I also hope that if the lights don't incinerate them, the critters come out medium-rare, YUMMY!!!!

OK guys

this has bin a semi-trick question

best bet no matter what is to aim for back end of the animal

depending on where you are/how fast/turn/ brake, turn or whatever

best bet is to BRAKEBRAKE - release brake -- turn to miss target. don't look AT the target, look where you want to go.

but aim to the BACK of the animal, they are going on their own program, and unlikely to turn back

of course, I wrecked my nice brite red 86 Mugen Honda Civic Si when a ()(^*&^$#!! deer jumped out going to right, so I went left, he turned around, and BAM. worst part is that the deer took off, I didn't even get to eat him!


Also remember that lots of critters travel together. Last year I avoided one deer that was moving left->right across my lane by using the shoulder just to have another one jump right smack dab into the side of my car.

I just deleted a bunch of photos from Photobucket the other night. "I don't need those anymore." I forgot the links would be gone. Give me some time, I'll get you some more.

Here ya go Mike:

What I started with



You have to cut a couple of small notches in th top part of the grill




They barely show, but when I was taking these pics, and looking at them here, I wish I had taken the time to paint them black.
