@ New England Dragway 3/9/13

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Was a mud fest today!!  Some videos and pics to follow for sure!  My go-pro started acting up and wouldn't shoot after 5 runs i took....stupid thing lol

Yeah conditions were not what I wanted. I need to play with gravels not drive a 4wd egg beater.

I had my throttle stick open this morning and my brakes mess up this afternoon, bent a caliper bracket wtf.

HUGE THANKS to my service crew Chris for fixing both. Good practice for NEFR.

As for how I did? consistent, but not exactly fast. I got a mysterious DNF for no reason and I'm pretty sure all my runs were clean. Oh well, I really don't care about times, I just go for seat time and shakedown on the car.

Pics I took with my phone.





On the way back. I go to pay a toll, and the guy says "dude don't even pay me, use the money for a car wash"

Also, sister will have a picture thread soon. She got pictures of nearly everyone.

haha that funny! i did well for the car im driving and running in modified awd. placed 7th out of it was 16 or 18 drivers i cant remember lol posted some pics and one video of the corner i worked on facebook




At least five 2WD related vehicles with DNF's, possible hydrolock situations due to the moat at the start. Tons of fun in comic sans @ the bucket of hate, you guys crack me up, such a fun day!

Times from this rally for the mainely subarus who were in attendance... I picked out who I knew, so if I forgot someone just let me know!

I highlighted the best times for each lap and it's sorted by overall time... katnip is in her own class due to her awesomeness of getting the best time every.single.lap. ...impressive!

I'm proud of my times.. I was taught how to drive a stick 2 years ago and had my first real attempt at drifting in snow just this winter. So I'm just happy I didn't even stall. 


I think it's fantastic you called him fluffy belly Floyd.

I'm impressed with Chris in the outback though.

Those first two laps really screwed my time. I've never drifted this thing before, and it had bald tires. So yea, I'm actually fairly impressed how the car did.

Now that I have a feel for how this car handles, I really wish I could do the one next month at Rochester, but I have a prior work commitment I can't miss.  I'M AN IDIOT AND WILL BE GOING, I CAN'T USE A CALENDAR.

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after my first runs in the am it was pretty clear i wasnt going to do brilliantly, so i just went out and had fun throwing rooster tails and banging rev limit in true ken block fashion haha

had a great time though! rochester i will try to drive clean and fast! 

uhhh those who were there I'm pretty sure I didn't DNF my run #3. I think rick was even with me on that run.....

The conditions blew and I'm not competative unless I've got gravels on.


See you kids at rochester

Times from this rally for the mainely subarus who were in attendance... I picked out who I knew, so if I forgot someone just let me know!

I highlighted the best times for each lap and it's sorted by overall time... katnip is in her own class due to her awesomeness of getting the best time every.single.lap. ...impressive!

I'm proud of my times.. I was taught how to drive a stick 2 years ago and had my first real attempt at drifting in snow just this winter. So I'm just happy I didn't even stall. 

Add this one to the Maineley group. TylerB4887 MA 488 Beaudoin, Tyler 2002 Subaru Legacy 73.678 70.140 73.356+2 68.883 60.156+1 55.279+1 409.49

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fastest time = yellow
second fastest time = blue
third fastest time = green

Damn, I held my own now that I highlighted more! Ha


So....Much....Suck....Oh well.  I had fun but I hope my car will be good for the next one!

uhhh those who were there I'm pretty sure I didn't DNF my run #3. I think rick was even with me on that run.....

The conditions blew and I'm not competative unless I've got gravels on.


See you kids at rochester
How again did you DNF again? Just wondering...
