NES Has Been Hacked - Watch Out for Viruses


Founding Father
NES has been hacked. Malware has been planted on the site.

This is just a friendly warning, if you don't want your computer screwed up, don't go there at this time.

A few members here have already come victim to the virus.

I am one who has contracted that lovely S.T.D. from there! My pc is done

No amount of cuss words can begin to explain how ticked off I am right now.

Glad to find peace and tranquility over here with you!

PS, we weren't even surfing over there, just having it up in a tab compromised our computer.


That sucks.

I'm sorry guys!

Well, blame the site admin or the host.

It's probably the site admin, most hosts have security protocols

If their InfoSec had been up to date this wouldn't have happened.

They were probably running an unsecured backend and a hacker waltzed right in.

Believe it or not, your HD crashing is a lot better than having a botnet installed by a virus and having everything you type transmitted to a Russian or Chinese hacker, including your credit card info & personal info.

Personally, I'm no fan of NES, their politics suck, but I wouldn't wish this kind of attack on anyone because it absolutely f's up

Not just their site but people's personal computers.

**Folks who have fried computers need to install new hard drives & re-install their operating system from the backup disc that came with your computer.

If you did not get a disc, then look at the Microsoft sticker with your operating system's serial number, it's on the underside of the computer.

Email Microsoft and explain the situation and they'll hook you up with a new operating system download or disc.

Believe it or not, they actually care about this sort of situation, and you OWN a license for that OS so they WILL help you out.

As to data recovery, well, that's the hard part. In this day and age everyone should have a $99 1TB portable hard drive and routinely back up their data, but many people don't. You can also buy backup storage from a "cloud" storage space like Dropbox or Apple, and auto-backup to it at will.

It's possible to recover the data, but it won't be cheap, so make sure it's important before you start calling data recovery places like BestBuy.

I'm going to send Carter a note on FB & see if he can get this site an httpS protocol.

Just so you all know, EVERY post that you write here via the "http" address header is insecure & if you're using an unsecured network or public wifi (even on & especially your smartphone!) a lot of your info can easily be grabbed right out of thin air by a hacker using a "sniffer" program.

Any questions I can answer, feel free to ask.


I've been busy busy busy G!

Been doing lotsa' IT work, no real free time these days...

I dropped Carter a note on FB about NES, I'm sure he'll JUMP when he sees it.

Man, I feel bad for the peeps who got their HDs fried, it's such a major PITA to fix a mess like that!

Those guys have p'd off so many people that if it was a DDoS (distributed denial of service) that simply crashed the site

I wouldn't have been surprised at all.

This malware hack, I'd 90% guarantee you, came from outside the USA, and I'll bet it was designed to install a botnet on people's computers but the hacker somehow screwed up the source code so now it just fries HDs upon arrival.

I bet if you go over there on an iOS (Apple) device (not a Mac computer!) that the malware wouldn't be visible.

I wouldn't try it, nobody's paying me to sort them out, but I'm thinking this is a WinOS hack, only.

I hope not too many people lose their computers before the NES Admin or the Host pulls the site down, and I hope their Host has a secure backup of their data-I'm sure they do.

I'm surprised that this happened to NES, BBS hacks are a rarity compared to phishing scams etc.


I'm going to send Carter a note on FB & see if he can get this site an httpS protocol.

Just so you all know, EVERY post that you write here via the "http" address header is insecure & if you're using an unsecured network or public wifi (even on & especially your smartphone!) a lot of your info can easily be grabbed right out of thin air by a hacker using a "sniffer" program.

Any questions I can answer, feel free to ask.

Why the hell would you run https on a forum? Sure someone could sit there and sniff the data you're sending to the forum... Or they could just wait for you to hit the POST button. Then go to the forum and look at your post. That's right! It's a public forum on the internet, it's not secure! Anything you say can be read by anybody in the world!

Damn, that's scary to think about isn't it, almost makes you want to think about what you post on the internet.

I've been viewing NES all day on my Linux computer. It's still working perfectly fine.

Anyone know if they have fixed the issue? I don't want to attempt to log in and ruin another computer.
