New bulletin for turbo Subaru's READ THIS!


Evergreen Auto Spa
Well, Subaru has put out a "Caring for Subaru Turbocharged Engines" bulletin. Broken down to the nuts and bolts, it says this:

Engine oil and filter:

Proper lubrication of the turbocharger requires high-quality engine oil. Some do not provide enough lubrication. The Subaru Genuine oil filter is the only filter that has tested to meet requirements for filtration and flow. Aftermarket filters may have different filtration performance and relief-valve opening pressure.

Engine Oil and Filter Replacement Interval:

Under normal driving conditions, the recommended oil and filter change interval for turbo engines is every 3750 miles of 4 months. For vehicles driven in conditions beyond normal, such as racing conditions, the oil and filter may require more frequent changing.

Racing Type Driving:

Racing type engins stress doesn't only occur on the track. Racing-type driving occurs when the drivetrain and suspension are used near peak capacity. Any driving where the engine speed is kept high is considered racing-type driving. IMPORTANT: A track day or AUTOCROSS event requires an oil and filter change immediately before and immediately after the event. Make sure to check other fluids as well.

Engine Oil Level:

Check your damn oil stupid! (my words, not theirs, but you get the point)

Oil Changes:

Carbon deposits produced by a turbo engine can accumulate at the bottom of the oil pan. When changing the oil, always drain the oil through the oil pan drain plug.A vacuum device could leave carbon deposits at the bottom of the oil pan and potentially contaminate the new oil.

Fuel Requirements:

Use only 91-octane or higher.

Driving Tips:

Do not rev the engine or acceleratew past half throttle immediately after start-up. Oil requires time to heat up for full flow and high RPM driving on a cold engine can damage the turbo.

After highway driving or high-load driving, Subaru recommends allowing the engine to cool by idling for at least 30 seconds before shutting off (which is contrary to what they said before)

Anyone that want a copy, PM me your e-mail. I don't know if I can publish it, but I can send an attachment....



Baxley’s Speed Shop
I just farted in my car does that mean I have to change my oil? Is my turbo gona make it? :violent4: :laughing4:



New member
Is my turbo gona make it? :violent4: :laughing4:
Yo turbo? Umm, no. :angel12:

And fror the rest of the STMers...if it's been more than 2 days since you took a shower, your turboEz is toast.



New member
Thanks for the updated info...Will subaru send out the info to all owners it applys to??



New member
If an autocross or track day requires an oil change before AND after then does a run to the grocery store require one too? I'm confused what magical thing occurs in an engine when it's run hard that causes the oil to instantly take a dump. Most of my UOA's have an auto-x or three on them...strange that they always come back with good positive responses.

*runs to change oil*

Ok....wait i think my car might get rained on tomorrow...should i change it again? And i floored my car today...i should probably just trade it in and buy a real performance car next time


Ty Ty

New member
Hehe. Before and after the event.

My Audi has never had an oilchange in the year and a half that I've owned it. Well...I changed it about a year ago or so, but that's it. Has 4 or 5 rallycrosses on it now. The Jeep has I think 3 or 4 rallycrosses on it's current oil change...heh.



New member
basically what this says is that if you have a problem with your engine, it's not there fault. oh you only idled it for 25 seconds? nope sorry you should have left it for 30, denied.

what you raced it? and didn't change the oil before and after and during? yep sucks your turbo blew up due to lack of oil. have a nice day.

im sure the dealers wouldn't say that, but this give SOA a way out as i see it.



the car is black. I swear
basically what this says is that if you have a problem with your engine, it's not there fault. oh you only idled it for 25 seconds? nope sorry you should have left it for 30, denied.

what you raced it? and didn't change the oil before and after and during? yep sucks your turbo blew up due to lack of oil. have a nice day.

im sure the dealers wouldn't say that, but this give SOA a way out as i see it.
don't worry Mike we don't have no stinkin turbo, not our problem!



Two words:


Come on people, get a grip! It's quite obvious that SOA's Corporate Lawyers have enacted this silly "how-to" as a scape-goat for not covering warranties for suspected Auto-beatdown-enthusiasts. If you drive your car hard, you best be taking care of it just as much. It's like anything else - if you don't care for it, prepare to kiss it goodbye.

As a group, Subaru owners SEEM to understand that if they put some hurt-work on their ride, they may suffer some consequences. Unfortunately, there's always a select few people who don't know the meaning of personal responsibility. They are the people these bulletins are designed for.

Engine gone and blowed up? What did YOU do to it? Honestly now, other than some known issues like HG and.... what else.... nothing - Subaru builds an awesome engine. It's rugged, reliable and easy to care for if you take the time to care for it. Chances are if your engine crapped the bed



Evergreen Auto Spa
The interesting thing to me was the idling after a hard run. Oil changes? What they say is a bit excessive. But I wanted you guys to know what they said.

Now don't go all "WAAAAAAAA, Subaru expects too much of me, WAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" on me.

An Akina, shut the hell up. It says "turbo cars" Old lady coupes need not apply. :thebirdman:




Two words:


Come on people, get a grip! It's quite obvious that SOA's Corporate Lawyers have enacted this silly "how-to" as a scape-goat for not covering warranties for suspected Auto-beatdown-enthusiasts. If you drive your car hard, you best be taking care of it just as much. It's like anything else - if you don't care for it, prepare to kiss it goodbye.

As a group, Subaru owners SEEM to understand that if they put some hurt-work on their ride, they may suffer some consequences. Unfortunately, just like the dumb chick who spilled coffee on her lap and claimed 1mil, there's always a select few people who don't know the meaning of personal responsibility. They are the people these bulletins are designed for.

Engine gone and blowed up? What did YOU do to it? Honestly now, other than some known issues like HG and.... what else.... nothing - Subaru builds an awesome engine. It's rugged, reliable and easy to care for if you take the time to care for it. Chances are if your engine crapped the bed, it was something you did to cause it to happen.

It's like blaming a tire company because your tires wore out faster than their mileage rating... because you auto-xed the car with some camber issues. Sorry charlie, pay to play - PAY TO PLAY.

Except for in extreme cases like early break-in issues, and low mileage phantom problems. These are rare, so I don't see them as a "talking point" overall, when discussing this bulletin.

You should really look into the McD's case with that lady a bit more before you start comparing it to anything. the way that it was spun in the media and the actuality of it is quite different.



New member
Old Saabs and Mercedes used to need a cool-down after running. Seems that the turbos didn't like when the engine was cut and super-hot oil was left in 'em to cook.

I honestly didn't know it was an issue on my car, and I'll let it idle cool from now on. Consider it my little gift to OPEC.

Thanks for the heads up.



Two words:


Come on people, get a grip! It's quite obvious that SOA's Corporate Lawyers have enacted this silly "how-to" as a scape-goat for not covering warranties for suspected Auto-beatdown-enthusiasts. If you drive your car hard, you best be taking care of it just as much. It's like anything else - if you don't care for it, prepare to kiss it goodbye.

As a group, Subaru owners SEEM to understand that if they put some hurt-work on their ride, they may suffer some consequences. Unfortunately, just like the dumb chick who spilled coffee on her lap and claimed 1mil, there's always a select few people who don't know the meaning of personal responsibility. They are the people these bulletins are designed for.

Engine gone and blowed up? What did YOU do to it? Honestly now, other than some known issues like HG and.... what else.... nothing - Subaru builds an awesome engine. It's rugged, reliable and easy to care for if you take the time to care for it. Chances are if your engine crapped the bed


Curious Pat...

How many of those owners are older, Sunday Drivers? How many never auto-x, beat, or do any performance mods to their car? I'd like Inski or Shorty to chime in and inform us of how many people they've had come into their shop that use their car for strictly DD and yet it fails. I'm willing to bet you my business that a strong majority of the engine borking happens to those who drive hard.

Like I said, beat the car if you want, but when your engine shits the bed, don't go crying to Subaru. If the engines are so prone to failure, why are there so many high-mileage boxers around? How could a company survive if they don't provide a good product?

And as for my "wisdom", which I have little of, by the way... it's like anything else online - take it or leave it.



Evergreen Auto Spa
I'd also like to see how many of the spun rod bearing cars had factory oil filters and good quality oil.



previous post edited for Pedro's satisfaction.
Don't get all upity. Just note that the lady spent seven days in the hospital getting skin grafts to replace her vagina which recieved 3rd degree burns from the coffee. and the only reason she had to sue was because McD's refused to pay her medical bills for coffee that they negligently served at 185*

and she was awarded by the Jury $2.7M and the judge dropped that to $45X,000 which aproximately 1/3 would go to legal.. then taxes say.... 50% ish.. she would roughly get $148000.
