New decals coming. Designed by YOU!

yea. i cant attach files here for some reason. and image shack hates me. so i used facebook. sorry.

1.0 tell me what u think?


i like the idea of using the maine coastline, it's something i was going to incorporate, however, nate how much detail can actually be put into a cut vinyl detail when we're talking about something like the coastline?

Rangely, the font that says "Subarus" looks kind of weird along the bottom... Is that wave supposed to be there?

Yah, I know some clubs use it, but no we are not allowed to use the Subaru logo or stars logo. In fact if they wanted to get picky copying there "SUBARU" font isn't allowed.

As for details, try to keep it basic. Just try to imagine it stuck on a window. Sometimes less is more. Keep it simple, if its too gaudy no one will put them on their cars.


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