
O yes yes, some of us here actually have a pretty good track record of dragging ppl into rally, from which the trip back up the slippry slope may be harder than you realize....we now have STMers on our team who have co-driven, crewed, and helped wrench on the rally cars.

check out our team site,

if you're interested we can use help in the shop, with website maintenance, and on site at events with logistics/food/PR.

fair warning: if you're wired a certain way, once you get sideways on gravel, snow or mud (or all at once) you won't look back!

haha i offer to help all the time! and i've never even touched the car yet :'(

i know you gravel guys don't like us tarmac boys it's ok hahahahah

O yes yes, some of us here actually have a pretty good track record of dragging ppl into rally, from which the trip back up the slippry slope may be harder than you realize....we now have STMers on our team who have co-driven, crewed, and helped wrench on the rally cars.

check out our team site,

if you're interested we can use help in the shop, with website maintenance, and on site at events with logistics/food/PR.

fair warning: if you're wired a certain way, once you get sideways on gravel, snow or mud (or all at once) you won't look back!

haha i offer to help all the time! and i've never even touched the car yet :'(

i know you gravel guys don't like us tarmac boys it's ok hahahahah
careful what you wish for, the Redline rally neon will be at NEFR, crew is always needed. hoping to sleeze a little spot near LDR at service

haha i offered you guys last year too! but nope. i see how it is.
last year house buying got in the way of racing, with any luck nothing will get in the way this year. >

I'm still her I work odd hours and don't always get computer time. You should probably know I'm a rally person,dirt ,or wide.I wish i could learn to drive like that in stead of just trying to pretend i can.

Team O is running one-day "Rally Experience" courses on the following dates, with more dates possible if demand warrants:

May 24

June 28

Sept 6

These courses put you in one of the school's prepped cars--FWD Golf/Jettas in the morning, AWD Imprezas or quattros in the afternoon. You'll work on the skidpad (understeer vs oversteer) , slalom, accident avoidance, and the "Full Monte" where you drive at good brisk speed on some real rally roads. Depending on student's skill level, there may be some left-foot-braking work and trail-braking practice. There's also the infamous "Spank Me Rides" with an instructor in a prepped rally car at race pace. Yowzah!

check the website for more info and current course pricing.

full disclosure: I teach there.


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