no more subie..

"the kid who died last month doing the same thing. He wasn't wearing a seatbelt.. I was. This really sucks. My friend was in the car as well and not even five seconds before we rolled I asked her if she was wearing it. She only wears it in my car because i make her. I'm so thankful for everything."

Well again, hopefully you KNOWING someone DIED doing the same exact thing, and you KNOWING you didn't have full control when asking your friend if her seatbelt was on, will make you think twice about running with the big dogs in the future. Imagine if you would have killed your friend, much less yourself. Sorry your mud flaps didn't get the life out of the car that they were designed for. I am glad you are smart enough to realize after the fact that it was dumb. If you get behind the wheel in the future, one could only hope you think back to that tragic flip.

Again, glad to see you are still alive.

Allow me to insert my two cents.

First, I'm glad you are OK. rolling a car at 70MPH can be fatal. I'm an EMT, and I've seen people die due to less of a crash. If you didn't go to the hospital after this accident, that was a bonehead move. I hate to be blunt, but as someone said, i don't want to have to arrange another Memorial drive because you are too thick headed to goto the ER. Go be seen..NOW....

Secondly, having been one who has rolled his car doing something stupid, I was driving within my limits.. Having said that, You and your friend are NOT Ken Block.. You are NOT in a rally car just because it is a Subaru. I hope you take this as a severely hard lesson of these two things. Stupid Ish like this is what is going to make these land owners start locking their roads..

/\/\ Agreed! /\/\ and like everyone else has said Glad you're ok! Now go get checked out!!!!!!!!

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Holy crap, ouch. Hope everything gets better for you, and im glad your not seriously injured. Hope you feel better soon.

Holy sh*t man, Im glad to hear your OK. Theres a lot to be said here, but it would come off as a lot of preaching and do as I say, not as I do. I don't wanna be a Hypocrite, cause Iv'e done stupid stuff too. Just glad your OK, and go get yourself checked out. I work with a guy who had a heart attack that lasted all weekend. When he finally went to the doctor, he said he was lucky that he did because it wasn't just indigestion like he thought, he had a blocked artery. Only reason I mention is because its easy to fall in to the trap of being less concerned about yourself than others. Just think of your family and friends, and how they would feel if you weren't there for thier next birthday party or aniverssary, etc.

I'm fine though, its just a bruise. My parents dont feel a need to take me anyways. I barely even have a headache. I'm going to get checked out I just dont know how to get there when both my parents work all the time.

good points about how we've all done dumb stuff over the years, me included

got one question for you though -- a key one for you to think of after the you even know WHY you crashed?

"I lost control" is not much to go on, and without knowing better what actually happened you miss a big part of the potential benefit from a bad adventure

I'm fine though, its just a bruise. My parents dont feel a need to take me anyways. I barely even have a headache. I'm going to get checked out I just dont know how to get there when both my parents work all the time.
Glad your ok. Everything will work out for you. You could send the mustang down to get it restored so you have a car. But advice, my friend wrecked his car, and the cops started watching his facebook to see if he was bragging or talking about it because they thought he was racing, and they used it in court.

Glad your ok. Everything will work out for you. You could send the mustang down to get it restored so you have a car. But advice, my friend wrecked his car, and the cops started watching his facebook to see if he was bragging or talking about it because they thought he was racing, and they used it in court.

I didn't get a ticket... and that's a terrible idea. And you know it too.

I didn't get a ticket... and that's a terrible idea. And you know it too.
He didnt either. They read his facebook and then he got a ticket. And your right, no mustang then, just being nice. Glad your not in the hospital, it couldve been worse. Get better. And Nigel had some good advice.

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+1 on making mistakes though. Make sure you're fine, but no need to beat yourself up after that. I took a slide in the snow about 4 years ago, luckily just had to replace a door and get some bondo. But it's really made me think twice before dicking around

Sorry about your Subie,but glad to see you're ok.....I won't preach because I've been in the same sitch and have done the same thing,just monitor how you're feeling and go from there. As for the car,just think,it sucks that it's gone,but it did what any good ccar would do,it gave IT'S life so you and your friend could keep yours.Take care,hope you find another good Subie soon;)

My consequence: Depending on other people for rides til march.

and my heads fine, I got checked out.

<br /><br />Glad your ok. Everything will work out for you. You could send the mustang down to get it restored so you have a car. But advice, my friend wrecked his car, and the cops started watching his facebook to see if he was bragging or talking about it because they thought he was racing, and they used it in court.<br />
<br /><br /><br />
He "friended" a cop?



I'm glad to hear your ok, but definitely should have thought about it. i too have done stupid stuff, but have been lucky in the passed. hope you werent rolling with rocky thurloughs crew when it happened, Plenty of LEO's in the lewiston/auburn area watch all of them like hawks. just dont wanting you gettin screwed.

glad your ok though for sure
on a lighter note, i ripped behind mardens last night on that little bit of snow there was, saw two vee dubs pull in that were balls loud and decided i had my fun and scooted out before they caused to much attention.
