No PS For A While When Cold?


New member
As we all know, it's been bitterly cold lately at night. I've always been a believer in (or maybe it's just OCD) warming the car up for at least two minutes to get the oil flowing and the fluids warmed up a little.

Well some of us know that, at least in the 2.5 turbo, idling the engine would take an hour just to move the needle off of cold so I just go after a minute or so, but when I turn the wheel it's like turning the wheel in a parked standard car, just awful to try to turn it and it almost kills the battery, i.e it makes the headlights dim almost off and sometimes it squeals. My fluid is normal and good looking, what could be wrong? It does this for a while until the needle is on that line about 1/4 of the way up. It also drives a little rough when cold.

Sounds like it is time to change the PS fluid. Also when the engine is cold cold, it runs a bit more rough and won't respond as kindly to the drag of the PS pump.

Give it a bit of rev and it will likely pick up and move fine.

And after 7 years of ownership I find that 10min idling is all that is needed for the heat to be on full blast (Auto, Auto, 85* on the climate control)

Great info guys thanks!

I'm definitely looking into changing my PS fluid and brake fluid this year. Hopefully that'll fix it. I'm not sure on the belt for the power steering but it often doesn't start the first time when it's cold out, I think the battery is going out. It's the original one so I wouldn't assume it would last much longer

i have a relativity newer car(2008) ive changed all the fluids and battery before. when its really really cold out the car will turn like four or five times before it finally turns over then the steering is rock solid and makes a nasty sqeeking/flowing sound when wheel is turned. since the PS system is hydrolic the fluid is very thick when its cold(like trying to use a tractor when it cold and just started.) this will cause the hard turning and sqeeking. it just needs to warm up to get the fluid to the right viscosity. just my two cents someone with more knowledge please chim in.

The hydraulic fluid in the PS system is thin Dextron III auto trans fluid. If your belt is squealing it likely needs to be tightened, or replaced.

If the engine isn't warmed up in mine and I turn the wheel it'll squeal. I think for good measure I'll let it warm up a good amount before I take off. I have to back out of a narrow spot and then turn the wheel the other way to pull onto the road so it's a lot of work on the PS. Also good to know there's a newer one with fresh fluid and a good battery that doesn't like to start when it's cold

Synthetic trans fluid will typically cure all ails in PS systems other than bad pumps or leaky seals.

Dextron VI is thinner than Dextron III. Find a Dex/Mer III Syn and refill with that.

Something like Redline (talk to Kat)

Or Motorex or B&M should work fine.

It's also a good idea to replace any clip type hose clamps you remove with real (screw type) hose clamps. After a day of fighting with a whining pump and a call to inski I realized I was sucking air.

Idk what was in my car when i got it, but it did that so bad when cold. Sprung a huge leak, fixed it and refilled it with tranny fluid (thin... I forget what exactly it was. Whatever GM calls for on th-400 trannies, dexron 3?) and all the tough steering is gone no matter how cold. Not saying flush ur system and throw that trans fluid in it, just saying the forced refilling of it worked for me.


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