Oct 1 - Last CMC AutoX of the Year

sick1.8t/evan if i go can i ride shot gun in that?? ;D that is just a damn pretty car right there.
Evan and his car are too wussy to race! You can ride shotgun in my STi if you want. I'll be wearing a Guinness hat.

well hell with an offer like that it's looking like i might have to go! i'll be the kid in the black Saab, obviously not racing, if i was i'd have to wear my "captain understeer" shirt. i should have a few of those made up... haha

I'll have a silver Mercedes C230 and a bright red Nissan SpecV. Say hello... you are more than welcome to ride shotgun with me.... I don't have a spare helmet though....

hey evan I need some footage of the Merc. on the course so I can prove to the boss that I really do drive well. Can you do that? Some of the SpecV would be great too.

well hell with an offer like that it's looking like i might have to go! i'll be the kid in the black Saab, obviously not racing, if i was i'd have to wear my "captain understeer" shirt. i should have a few of those made up... haha
just autoX it...... or buy a subie

im working on buying a subie as we speek. though do to some housing issues i may be set back a bit.

and auto crossing a saab is pointless 1st adn 2nd gears are worthless. the car really shines in highway racing but auto x you'd never get it up into a gear with some go in it

yeah the sanctioned highway racing... eh... club.. of people :

Hey joe thanks for letting me ride shot gun with you on those runs! that was friggen awsome!

and it was nice to meet all of you guys im planing to be at the union rally X as well. so maybe i'll catch you guys there or at the sebago thing, if i put a subaru sticker on my car i can come play right?? ;D

Hmm... guys? Do we allow "Subaru At Heart" people?

Nice meeting everyone: Pedro, Brackett, JoeSTI, teh Bqqst, TonyQ, WRXav8r, and Pedro's bud, Tim (what's his SN again?)

It was a great day, and I would have pics to post... except my batteries died 2 pics into it... and those were just trial shots. :'(

yeah man, nice to finally meet you in person. Tim's SN is like WRX_sti06? something like that.

[starting raisin]

Those autox kids dont dare to come to the rallyx scene ;D

[/starting raisin]

sick1.8t/evan if i go can i ride shot gun in that?? ;D that is just a damn pretty car right there.
Evan and his car are too wussy to race! You can ride shotgun in my STi if you want. I'll be wearing a Guinness hat.
i'm always willing to let someone go for a ride, although i read this a little too late and i didnt meet you in person. remind me if we ever meet at another event though. at the beginning of the auto-x season i only had my legacies, so i didnt even bother to register, but now that i have the wrx i'll definetly be running next year. i'll probably still take is easy though, i'm planning on keeping the wrx 5spd as long as i can hold it together for :
i'll be the guy going from 1st to 2nd then leaving it in second the whole rest of the track. but who knows, maybe a beefier tranny will happen my way over the winter.....

hey evan I need some footage of the Merc. on the course so I can prove to the boss that I really do drive well. Can you do that? Some of the SpecV would be great too.
workin on it, i have some footage from the last event in the rain.

Nice meeting everyone: Pedro, Brackett, JoeSTI, teh Bqqst, TonyQ, WRXav8r, and Pedro's bud, Tim (what's his SN again?)
and me!
