*OFFICIAL* Snow Thread

I don't have parking lots OR woods around me. No big box stores, no seldom-used roads. No car fun for me.

That's why I drive north for dirt drives

I agree that being in a controlled environment (whether that is parkin' lot snow pimpin' or backroads) it really does improve your all around car handling knowledge. My father took my brother and I out when we were getting our licenses and had us do that. He made us spin, do cookies, etc... it was funny because you probably wouldn't see too many other Dad's doing that with their kids in parking lots!

Co-worker got in trouble. I did not.
...yet, knocking on wood. We were joking around about getting written up for drifting in the parking lot, like maybe the boss will sponsor our drift team after he yells at us.

I'll have to admit to being a street dorrifto. Probably not a good thing. But I have found a dirt road I practice twice a day, and on snow days I travel a certain set of car-free roads and only fart around when nothing is around. This snow storm was a long time coming. Maybe I'll be a little more behaved as winter progresses. Maybe

En route to NH last nite w/rez in a proper White Mtns whiteout Had a bit of a "gaah, gonna hit that -/:&($&!! mailbox" moment but dodged the bullet. No harm done, so we just kept going like nothin ever happened (which was true, but still...)

Ya, then it's going to rain on monday :/

Not a terrible condition though, I have to put a new transmission in my GL. So I won't freeze my butt off doing that...

2-3 in naples. looks like its over already. certainly don't want any rain. the driveway is already a skating rink.

I heard more snow tomorrow... especially in the southern portion of the state, but Monday we are looking at a "mixed bag" of precipitation. It's supposed to be in the mid-forties on Monday.

4-5" pow pow in Camden. had a blast, power oversteer and cuttin cookies....with the 6-speed snowblower! donuts thru a roostertail of my own own snow...my neighbor probly thought, "WTF is up with THAT guy??!!"


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