*OFFICIAL* Snow Thread

If it tracks correctly.  We could end up with a dud like last time.  I'll take a foot of snow, but 2' at once is a little hard to take....

I'm not looking forward to the big storm this weekend. Really hoping for a dud. And it was supposed to be an early spring. Damn groundhog was wrong.

Sucks to work in but I want to play on the snowmobile too. The lake has all kinds of ice now so I can go anywhere right from my house.

Channel 6 has predicted 21" for Sanford already. Usally they start out with 4" to 8" and then add as the storm progresses. We will know better by tomorrow evening what in store for us.

Well, I know I'm most likely not making my normal drive home for the weekend. Play time around Castine? On another note, it could be a long one for me as I get to shovel my 2 parking space driveway with the town trucks coming by pushing a bank in front of the spaces.

So when did we start to name snow storms?  That is some of the most sensationalistic BS I have heard since the bubble gun expulsion.

So when did we start to name snow storms?  That is some of the most sensationalistic BS I have heard since the bubble gun expulsion.
Just recently. It's just another way to make the storm seem scarier. We will see all the idiots at the grocery stores buying 10 gallons of water and 50 loaves of bread. Remember two weeks ago when they said we were getting a foot from an ocean effect storm....and we got nothing! I stopped watching TV years ago because of this type of BS. I just go to NOAA's website for raw data...
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