*OFFICIAL* Snow Thread

Yeah, this is great.  I'll probably be outside installing a generator because this is when everyone all of a sudden decides they need one...  Not in like July or anything.  Icicles on my eyebrows when im doing anything but hiking mount Washington is not okay  
I hear ya. The past couple weeks have sucked bad enough working outside.

The drive in to work wasn't too bad.  The snow was light and fluffy so it was just swirling around on the roadways.  Hadn't really accumulated much on the roads yet, except side-roads.  

Supposed to get bad tonight and tomorrow morning. They just upgraded the coastal counties to a blizzard warning.

I got well over a foot as well.  A lot of it has drifted though.  I left for work 2 hours early again.  Had to drive the Subie through a 3' high snowbank at the end of my driveway too.  Awesome times!  I'll clean up when I get home tonight.  It's so nice having that leisure of waiting now that my wife has an AWD SUV too.  I worry less about her driving home after her 2nd shift job too.  

It's coming down at a good clip!  Spent most of the day in Berwick at my Dad's, and was a slow ride home to Alfred.  I'd say we have about 5" in the driveway now.  Wet heavy stuff.  


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