*OFFICIAL* Snow Thread

The RS saw snow for the first time on Monday! We went out for a nice ride, getting it covered! It was a great start to the season

13" out here in Palermo, didn't have power from Sunday afternoon to about two hours ago.

Had to bring my Wife to work in the worst of it on Sunday, we passed six cars off the road on the way in and lost count on the way back home. Had to drive under a tree on Monday a couple times before they cleaned it up.

Snow made my OBS look like one of those funky Honda hatchbacks:

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I'm still working to remove trees from power lines. This is the 2nd 17 hour shift I've had. Looks like I'll be back in at 5am tomorrow for another one.

I'm still working to remove trees from power lines. This is the 2nd 17 hour shift I've had. Looks like I'll be back in at 5am tomorrow for another one.
That sounds exhausting! Hopefully the pay is good enough to match us residents' appreciation for getting the power back up though.

I was surprised how some areas didn't get much snow. Whitefield had at least 6+ inches, probably more. Drove into work in Augusta the next morning and they barely had anything:


The RS was a beast, swapped my stock WRX wheels on with good snows and she rode great

Nothing like a 48hrs+ power outage on a national holiday to renew my appreciation for:

1) electricity (ie, hot showers and working toilets)

2) CMP & Co.'s worker's helping fixing said power outage

3) my subaru

...4) and naturally snow-chilled beer from said storm...


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Second 17 hour shift will be done today, hopefully will be able to go home to power tomorrow. Sucks having missed the holiday with my kids, but I guess it's part of the job.

You got your power back on jojo? From what I can tell, there's only one outage on your road. Hopefully it's not you!

You got your power back on jojo? From what I can tell, there's only one outage on your road. Hopefully it's not you!
ya,  we got it back today around 11ish this morning... Thank god it was cold enough outside so that we put the bird and veggies for Thxgivng dinner on the porch, so we r celebrating tomorrow
a sligth delay, but can't wait!

ya,  we got it back today around 11ish this morning... Thank god it was cold enough outside so that we put the bird and veggies for Thxgivng dinner on the porch, so we r celebrating tomorrow
a sligth delay, but can't wait!
Good to hear you got your power back on. I'm back out working again, came in later today because I was out till 1 am because we got the truck stuck, and it evidently takes 3 hours for a wrecker to get to us. That was a long day. Hoping this is the last day. But who knows
I just got back from Portland district. Went in at 5am Thursday morning. Hope you're headed home Jason.
Yeah I worked late Wednesday, and then in at 5am Thursday. Finally got home at 7 pm Saturday night. Now back at this morning.

Sat in a plane for two hours while they attempted the de-ice it yesterday morning. And the walking bridge had frozen to the plane during the short time people were boarding. I'm sad I'm missing the snow in Maine!

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I've been eyeing the almost-always vacant lot next to the sand (salt?) mounds past Bill's garage on State Rd. Finally got into it a few days ago, after the glare ice covered the fluffy snow. A bt too late, but VERY suprised that a) they did not plow the dirt area and
no one had messed with it. DId a few donughts and left.

Also, checked out the Topsham Fairground... Same thing, no snowhiggans when it's a relatively open space... I'll have to check them out on the next snow storm!

which, btw, WHERE IS THE SNOW??!?!?!?

I'm sick of the cold. It was -20 today at the bangor airport this morningt, we barely got the stupid cessna 150 started. On our way to Florida.... it's getting warmer, bye snow


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