*OFFICIAL* Snow Thread

I've been eyeing the almost-always vacant lot next to the sand (salt?) mounds past Bill's garage on State Rd. Finally got into it a few days ago, after the glare ice covered the fluffy snow. A bt too late, but VERY suprised that a) they did not plow the dirt area and
no one had messed with it. DId a few donughts and left.

Also, checked out the Topsham Fairground... Same thing, no snowhiggans when it's a relatively open space... I'll have to check them out on the next snow storm!

which, btw, WHERE IS THE SNOW??!?!?!?
The lot on state road, if it's the one I'm thinking of then it is owned be Crooker(the big construction company in the area) and they once allowed autox there.
I'd also stay away from the old base and the fairgrounds, easy way to get the cops called on you.

I do know a few of the area cops, and have been asked about certain vehicles before.

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I'd also stay away from the old base and the fairgrounds, easy way to get the cops called on you.
yeah, i just went to check it out really. I remember trying out the disc golf course they have last summer and some random trooper came in and parked under a tree for the longest time, just sitting there. It's not like there was traffic or anything. I was like 

At least it's somewhat snowing today! 

OK L/A area clowns:    I will be plowing 126 (Sabattus st) from Monmouth out to Lewiston tonight, until 4 pm tomorrow, then back in again at midnight til the end of the storm. I demand shenanigans! I usually see a few of you, out there having fun while Im driving back and forth. Just be careful around Sabattus lake, Im predicting 8' snowdrifts.... saw a Suby stuck 5' up one 2 years ago....

went out for an hour. so much wind makes visibility real bad. subaru had no problem going through snow, but driver had difficulty seeing obstacles! hahahaha, 

hopefully towards end of storm, more shenanigans

So many idiots out on the road, a few people have already crashed outside my place...

If I had my GL i'd probably go hit logging roads, but my outback has boring all seasons on it. Boring all seasons = stay in when it snows...

If its not too late, how about no shenaningans!    Im on my way back in now, theres still pretty much zero visibility.  Ive been plowing rt 126 for almost 10 years, and haven't seen anything like this yet.   Except for the 3 or 4 idiots in their Z71s driving back and forth "cause they can!" They are out there every storm....  we did have quite a few built sleds racing out there earlier in the road. That was new.   I only had a few minor accidents that I saw, but that was a while ago now, who knows whats going on now...

I stayed home during the blizzard but the storm before that I was out with a friend on a cruise and found some good spots for shenanigans. 

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This Sucks.   Ive been in the plow truck more than Ive been home. I get 7 hours off this time. Its so cold, we cant even use salt on the road. I have never seen snow at 1 below, other than a dusting here and there. Then my wonderful Explorer decides not to shift into any gears this morning. Something frozen in the tranny I suspect.   Time for another WRX I guess....

This raisin really sucks in the ROW. I'm cutting in over waist deep snow. Fun on the ride home though.
It sucks road side too. Snow is way too deep and the snow banks are ridiculous. What makes it even more shitty is we've actually lost hours because of these storms instead of getting more because of outages.

I finally got to have a couple beers and some wings! No snow last night, felt strange getting up and going to work AND being able to see on the way in...   I was looking at my yard, and realized all the snow mountains are cars...  my OBS is about 10' tall, we are down in a hole, and everything blows and drifts around, I had 7' in the way of my front door one night... luckily I have a daylight basement to get in thru..  Hopefully we can get Sabattus lake plowed off, and get out there with some old ratty ice racers soon.

I was looking for this thread half the winter. Anyone else thoroughly disgusted with the forecast for this weekend?


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