official unofficial motorcycle talk thread

So, how many of you have had really close calls? I'm

Thinking of finally getting a bike this year, but there are so many idoit drivers out there now, I feel like I'm writing my own death warrant.

So, how many of you have had really close calls? I'm

Thinking of finally getting a bike this year, but there are so many idoit drivers out there now, I feel like I'm writing my own death warrant.
In 2007 I wrecked my triumph speed four when old lady pulled directly in front of me in a 55mph zone. she didnt "see" me.

Now I have a klr650 for past 4 years, rode it thursday. super great mileage and fun on dirt or pavement (but sucks on highway)

In 2007 I wrecked my triumph speed four when old lady pulled directly in front of me in a 55mph zone. she didnt "see" me.

Now I have a klr650 for past 4 years, rode it thursday. super great mileage and fun on dirt or pavement (but sucks on highway)
That sucks. that's what I worry a bit about.

V strom is one of the bikes Im looking at. Very nice.

My family wants me to get one. My Dad has a 1200 Kawasaki Vulcan Nomad, and my brother has a Yamaha 650 VStar. That is all they talk about.... motorcycling. I feel kind of left out, but my brother already dumped his in year one and broke a few ribs. I also have 2 uncles that have Harley's, and they keep pushing me to get one so I can go riding with them. While I'm sure it is fun, saves on gas, etc.... motorcycles actually scare me to death. I'd much rather save my pennies and buy a snowmobile.

I was scared witless my first few times out when I was on my permit. Now it's more comfortable to me than driving.

Thinking I'm going to de baffle my pipes, heard some on you tube that sound good


2002 suzuki gsxr-750

just bought it at the end of the fall last year. haven't decided wether im going to sell it or not.

2009 was cut off with my gf at the time on the back of my 01 murada no helmet on me gave it to her had the choice of slamming into the back of the car or dump the bike at 65mph so I dumped it let go kicked the bike away caught my gf before she hit the ground rolled onto my back slid on my back 68 feet stopped got up walked back to the bike there wasnt much left of it had a cut on my hand and leg that's all the cop that saw the whole thing was like how did you do all that and not hit my head once.

ninja skills.........

you cant be afraid of other people....theres nothing you can do about them....just good defensive driving and no ass hat manuvers

Found super tones for $54 on amazon, thinking I want them for the bike if I can figure out how to mount them

Yeah, I was thinking of getting supertones, but the other choice is to get...

It's a 139 dB horn (MUCH louder then hellas) that also flashses your headlights when you use it...but you can still use your stock horn.

"If you press the horn switch briefly, only the regular horn is activated. Pressing the switch for ¼ or ½ second (depending on a switch setting you can choose), causes the logic in the control unit to now engage the raucous air horn and high beam lights. When doing this, it pulses both the horn and lights for even greater impact - as shown in the video. You can also set the loud horn and lights to not pulse if you prefer – there is a switch for this too.


Watch the video, it makes more sense. I think it's worth the extra $35...

Found hella look alikes but 140db for cheaper. mother in law is getting them for my birthday later this month

I have a 2007 ZX10R in red with chrome wheels, extended swing arm, full akrapovic exhaust, every power commander thing they make for it installed, lowered. Makes 163 on Milano's Dyno. Thinking of selling it.........have someone who wants it bad but not sold til I have the monies.


I am here:

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In 2007 I wrecked my triumph speed four when old lady pulled directly in front of me in a 55mph zone. she didnt "see" me.

Now I have a klr650 for past 4 years, rode it thursday. super great mileage and fun on dirt or pavement (but sucks on highway)
Why don't you like riding it on the highway? I want a KLR...

I have had a few close calls. My left thumb has saved me. I use my horn all the time. If I think there is a possibility of someone pulling out in front of me, I hit the horn and point at them. That usually gets their attention. Last summer I had a woman who walked down the road towarss me, got in her car parked on the same side as I was going, then just pull and u-turn right in front of me. I went from 55 to 5 in a hurry. If I hadn't mashed the horn, she wouldn't have stopped in the middle of the road allowing me a tiny bit to slide by. I showed her that she was "number 1" when I realized that I wasn't going to superman over her car... Less than impressed.

Just drive like everyone in a car is out there to kill you. Don't drive scared, just really defensively. Stuff like not riding in blind spots, not doing a billion miles an hour in traffic, not stopping in traffic to make a left turn. Think and drive smart. Don't assume that they saw you or even if they did that they will yield to you.

Also, don't be scared of bikes. They are actually really stable. The faster you're going, they more stable they are. Practice going slow and starts and stops. Any idiot can go fast. It's the slow stuff that's hard.

Why don't you like riding it on the highway? I want a KLR...
Mine is the pre 08 square one. Maybe the newer ones with fairings are less buffeted at high wind speeds, that and gearing on mine (stock 06) is to high. at 70 mph its over 4k rpm and redlines at like 6. with such a big single cyl its sounds a bit strung out at those speeds for long periods. (I have taken it to max, at 100mph your plain out of revs and mine is unbearably square in wind) Love mine for secondary roads, fuel mileage, reliability, cheap, and dirt roads, sometimes woods but is big and heavy for crawling very rough stuff. In future I plan to change sprockets to give it longer gear and Maybe newer style fairing assembly.

Just drive like everyone in a car is out there to kill you. Don't drive scared, just really defensively. Stuff like not riding in blind spots, not doing a billion miles an hour in traffic, not stopping in traffic to make a left turn. Think and drive smart. Don't assume that they saw you or even if they did that they will yield to you.
Good advise. Also for anyone who is new to bikes gravel on top of asphalt this time of year and after rain storms very dangerous.


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