photo of supersonic speed


New member
How about the Spruce Goose?

all I can think of wen I read UR post is the Simpsons...

".....Smithers... warm up the Spruce Goose..."

what did the thing have a max cruising altitude of like 14 feet?




Active member
what did the thing have a max cruising altitude of like 14 feet?
from what i remember the owner was just moving/taxiing it and gave it a little too much throttle and it took off. either that or he didnt tell anyone he was gonna try and fly it and just took off. cant remember. either way it only flew once



Hughes flew it for almost a mile, and the Long Beach Harbor police/authority/etc. didn't approve of the unregistered flight and escorted the plane out of the harbor. After that, Howie stored it in an environmentally controlled hangar until he died. It's sitting in Evergreen Aviation Museum in McMinnville, Oregon



perfectly good plane, but no need for it. a little more refinement in the powerplant dept, and it would have been a hit.

the germans had a bit of luck during WWII with large flying boats, namely Blohm & Voss's model 222, and the proposed 238. unfortunately, the war ended too soon for them, and they became fodder for allied aircraft.



Yeah, but what about the joint swiss/german DoX, DoX2 and DoX3? 48 tons of boat with a giant wing, powered by 12 500-ish HP engines... max altitude (achieved) of around 1600ft... that thing was a pig!

I was reading a bunch of aircraft history last night, and there's some awe-inspiring inventions that got scrapped as a result of political red tape. For instance, the Custer Channelwing... dude was so brilliant with his invention that he forgot to be a businessman and ended up getting laughed out of patents and funding as a result.

Amazing aircraft.
