#1: Baxter Brewing company - Phantom Punch... in a can (6.8%). 1st beer in a can and 1st time trying this Lewiston brewery. I liked it, coffee notes and somehwat hoppy finish. Not my favorite, but it has definetely made me want to check out the brewery in Lewiston.
#2 Lion Stout - from Sri Lanka nonetheless. I had no idea of what to expect. Very smooth, non-etoh smell which suprised me since its rated at 8%. A nice caramel/molasse taste but not overly sweet. Actually a very nice brew. The wife even liked it.
Rise dead thread! Tis the season for everything pumpkin flavored, I'm currently sipping from a quart jug of saranac pumpkin ale I found at hannaford. Not too dank, not excessive with the pumpkin, very smooth and good. 9/10