Sorry, I would have responded sooner, however one of my twins that will be 2 on Monday, ordered $100 gold headphones off of Amazon. Whew.
Okay, I feel that we should have the meet Tuesday, March 4th at 5:30, everyone goes inside around 6. Weather is not to be a factor, as we all drive Subarus. I chose Tuesday because it's practically 2 weeks from now, so people can give notice if they need to leave work early, get a babysitter, get parts that they are selling, and it's a day where most should have some money left over from their paychecks. The location will be determined this afternoon. This also allows everyone who may come up or down for this, to attend the monthly meet the week after, so they don't feel overwhelmed. I ask that you all give me a headcount. I will set it up accordingly. Thank you so very much!