Prodrive installed


New member
Damn, love th sound of this thing.

So a run down.

4pm on 5/23/08 met Gabe to pick up exhaust. Got home, got tools jack and WD40 ready. Car jacked up, go under to take a look at the bolts, hit them with WD40. This was going to be a pain, started to wrench on the bolts, got one loose, went to the other. Thought I loosened it, wrong, stripped. So I tried the socket on the other side. Same damn thing. Buddy came over with vise grips, still no luck. I was very frustrated at this point, so I called it quits. Put the other bolt on, lowered the car and went to get a beer.. So, woke up this am at 8, decided to drive over to Midas(cause they have the touch) Asked if they could torch the bolt off. 10 minutes, bolt was off, new one in. Got home, got tools,jack, WD40. Went under, un-did the bolts, then looked at the hangers, thinking this was going to suck. Not too bad, used a screw driver to get inbetween the rubber and metal. Got the exhaust off, grabbed the ever so hot Prodrive, bolted right up. Lowered car, moved all tools, got in car, started. WOW. Huge ass grin on my face. Took a drive, got on 295 to see how it sounded at 70 MPH. Sounds great just what I wanted.

Thanks Gabe.... :headbang: :headbang:

nice work...

see you in your next thread..

"So, i just got pulled over for loud exhaust"

i kid i kid.

record it to a file and post it up.


The prodrive is a nice piece.

Next time drop the WD and go to PB Blaster!
My intitial thought, lesson learned...

Love the Prodive, sounds awesome. My favotite is when I am downshifting to 2nd...

The Prodrives are 2.5", correct. The welding is real nice on them.

My favorite is 5th to 3rd at about 65mph and hammer it to redline. :evil1:

Congrats. Gabe's a great guy to do business with.

The Prodrives are 2.5", correct. The welding is real nice on them.

My favorite is 5th to 3rd at about 65mph and hammer it to redline. :evil1:

Congrats. Gabe's a great guy to do business with.
I believe it is 2.5. I have barely turned on the radio. A great moment was when I was going under a bridge in SP in 2nd, gunned it. The echo.. OOOOOOOO

Yes, Gabe was great, nice and easy transaction. Same with Ean. So far, everyone I have deal with on this board had been excellant...


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