Rallispec Block is in the CAR!!!

Yea pretty much the cathode was gone on the one on the right. My gap on that would had to be around .1 instead of .03 LOL.

Pretty sure I just saw you buying a Group N mount at Evergreen right now... I was the creeper sitting on couch staring at you with the laptop.

Yup that was him

LOL, yup that was me.

Jcovey I just bought your replacement mount for you man. I even did better for you. It has the new mount plate with it also which the one I "borrowed" didnt have.

oh man do break ins suck. setting the rings can get stressful too. way to go on buying a lapping tool, it sucks to do it by hand.

The motor is broke in a holding up well. Throwing down around 20 psi right now. I put in a diffrent map till I can get another protune to see how far I can push it. I was at 23 psi before the built motor so I am looking for around 25psi atleast on the new motor.

No he hasn't. We ran some logs the other day and it definitely needs to be adjusted. He's planning on seeing Bren sometime.

Yea I was told she has a lil knock under low load pulls. Which makes no sense. I guess the fuel map is all jacked up. This is a map that was emailed to me from EFI Logics but it was supposed to be just like my 23psi map just 3 psi lower on the boost. I don't know. I just know that Bren and everyone that has looked at it on iwsti.com says the same thing. there is knock happening and the fueling looks wierd.

So Ryan and I are going to pull the actual map and email it to Bren and see from there. I do need to get down to him though. I just want to know how much its going to cost. I guess once he sees the map I have on the car he will be able to tell.

yeah i was knocking at 19 psi with my huge aps fmic so im going for a retune soon. I think our fuel is getting worse and worse

Makes no sense. I wish I could afford it I would start going back to Woodys and buying that 105 octane I used to buy in the 5 gallon cans there. then mix 2 1/2 gallons with the 91 oct. that's what I did for about 6 months but obviously that stuff aint cheap. lol.

yeah i know i wish i could run my Q16 map all the time.

i just review your log on iwsti..........................scary, i wouldn't do anymore logs on that map.

if i can get you scheduled at Efilogics on the same day as me would you want to drive down together??

I don't want to go to EFI Logics. Look where I am now with one of the tunes. Chris at Efi has had 2 chances to fix my flutter issue and still couldn't fix it plus look at the map. I mean remember that tune was done by Chris himself on my car. Only thing is he lowered the boost thank God. That is why I am going to Bren. I hope he can take care of my woes.

One Bren is going to be like tons cheaper and he is closer.

I have heard good things about Chris so I will not bash him on here.

Good luck at EFI though. I hope everything turns out well.

Sometimes I think my car just needs to have the AP un married from it and a 100% fresh tune put on it from scratch.

I think the major problem is that Chris tried to build on what TopSpeed did. What he should have done was started from scratch and maybe the outcome would have been better.


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