Rattlecanning fun

Ty Ty

New member
Commenced getting the tarmac wheels ready for RAL.





Rallyguy and I also finally got around to bending the skidplate up so it isn't a shovel.


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Aug 28th and 29th according to the NER site...but I thought the rallycross was Sunday...which would be the 30th...

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Wasn't bending the skid plate fun!?!?! To bend mine for the VW I had to skower the forests of Naples to locate the perfect two trees growing inches apart, stick the plate in at the precise angle, and body slam that bad larry several dozen times to get it to 'close enough' quality.

I vote Ty for the overall win in the duallycross!

Wasn't bending the skid plate fun!?!?! To bend mine for the VW I had to skower the forests of Naples to locate the perfect two trees growing inches apart, stick the plate in at the precise angle, and body slam that bad larry several dozen times to get it to 'close enough' quality.
Tis what they make BFH's for.

Hate to mention this now, but, you have 4 lug wheels. Yer Audi is 5 lug.

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Doublecross and the rallycross. Tsd's give me a headache, and I'd shoot myself if I had to hang out with the SCCA solo crowd all day doing the autocross.

Doublecross and the rallycross. Tsd's give me a headache, and I'd shoot myself if I had to hang out with the SCCA solo crowd all day doing the autocross.
awe come on, you don't want to ride with me on Friday night again? I will probably have the rally car.

Kathy, if Joe doesn't do the event, I'd be more than happy to navigate or drive. Don't take Ty... you can do better.

But then... you could do better than me, too.

Hahaha. The real question is, did you actually paint all four, or just that one?

And I'm game to Navi the TSD if anyone is interested. Not the best out there, but I've done a few...
