Recons Professional Auto Detailing


New member
Hey Guys hows it going I thought I would post up a review of RECONS from an inside veiw. I worked here for maybe a month and a half and one of the main reasons why I am posting this is because the owner Derek has problems with paying his employess on time and having them do all the work and then putting his name on it, but that's besides the point. From what I'v seen from working there is no one really cares about the cars they are working on. They just want to get them in an out ASAP by cutting coners and using paint to cover things they can't fix. Another thing I saw was the "Detail King products used here" but the only product I saw from that company was the hot water extracter and if your into having your steering wheel and pedals super greasy and slick go here.

 I understand some of you may just see this as a bash just because of money issues and I understand Derek might post something here, but I thought you people might want to know whats going on when you drop your car off here.

I like detail king products! plus I actually use their products along with chemical guys, auto geek, flash products. All the pro stuff. It's sad to hear another detailer not live up to what is expected nor using the products he should. Cutting corners in the detail world will land you in some serious trouble with your clients. With this being said I don't know who is this person nor do I know their business. I'm just voicing what I think of it. Not bashing on him what so ever

I detail my own car hehe


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