Rochester Fairgrounds Rallycross


New member
i think i need to come to this event. theraputic reasons.

[personal shit]

this rallycross in 2007 marked the end of me doing the full series.

it was the friday before the cross and my dad was not feeling well and needed to go to the hospital. he had been in and out for a while with kidney and diabetes related stuff. so it was like just another trip.

i was there to help mom load him into the car, said i love you dad and sent him on his way, and i took off for rochester to go racing. my spirits were good. i got home at like 11pm after getting dinner in rochester and karting in scaraborough. i was woken to "the call" at 4:30 am, i had lost my father.

i carried a guilt with me for many months about going racing when i should have stayed home to spend time with my dad in the hospital.

[/personal shit]

i think i need to go to this event. time to load the snow tires in the RS, grab the helmet and go Stock AWD.

just thought i would share that. kinda explains my disappearance from the RX scene. i have done one or two events since then.but not much else.



New member
Hope to see you there. Sorry about your father. :sad5: I'm sure he'd want you to do some of things you enjoy.



I'm not ReZPunk
Hope to see you there. Sorry about your father. :sad5: I'm sure he'd want you to do some of things you enjoy.
no he hated us racing hehe... he was always worried that we'd hurt ourselfs.. I always told him that we never get fast enough to hurt ourselves that bad..



the car is black. I swear
Hope to see you there. Sorry about your father. :sad5: I'm sure he'd want you to do some of things you enjoy.
no he hated us racing hehe... he was always worried that we'd hurt ourselfs.. I always told him that we never get fast enough to hurt ourselves that bad..
oh lord, he is gonna be rolling in his grave when you hit the right seat of a rally car :nono:



New member
no, he grew to accept it and actually initiated conversations about our racing in the last year of his life.

we discovered a picture of him racing in a soapbox..and we cornered him on it.

he started laughing and told us the whole story of building it, racing it, and losing a wheel heading down the hill and wrecking it.

hehe life has its moments.



New member
I could change it the alt for you, but the car probably wouldn't make it there
You could drive my car but its def not the best candidate for 4M. No gravels, not much power, and its a wagon. I know you and wagons are like fire and ice.



the car is black. I swear
thanks inski, but the way my luck has been this week, I don't think I'll borrow anything other than a trailer queen, in case it breaks on me!
