Rough Edges


Please bare with us while we work on the rough edges of the forum. Functionality should be 100%.

Cool! I like it!

Some small things are bugging me. But I won't complain till everything is worked out. It is probably that the upgrade is just still being worked on.

The "New Posts" GUI looks like crap Carter.

It's format is hard to read, and emphasizes unimportant data.

IMO BBS' like MS rarely ever need "upgrades" - in the many that I've been a part of, they usually do more harm (data loss, etc.) than good.

(Nobody really needs more :Santa icons, right?)

When this one is sorted, IMO, leave it ALONE.

The empowerment allowed by an animated .GIF avatar is enthralling, but not @ the cost of annoying "upgraded" GUIs.


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The GUI looks like crap Carter.It's format is hard to read, and emphasizes unimportant data.
Hence the title of the thread ... give him a break. It isn't done yet. He said it is 100% functional. Just maybe not beautiful.

The forum was upgraded to support things like embeded video, better functionality; and easier navigation. The colors are obviously not final but I am working on it.

is there any chance a video thread i made earlier got deleted? i can repost if needed. looks good to me otherwise.

Im starting to like this new look. It got rid of some of the bugs of the old type(I can have a pic in my signature now!). Like you said, I think that the colors need to be changed around a bit. Its alittle bland right now, but keep up the awesome work!

on the main page, there used to be a "latest thread" section where the last 10 threads were listed. I cannot function without that. Now I have to go into every sub forum to see new posts, inefficient.

is this uncompatible with Mozilla? cause the first time I loaded it, I got nothing but a list of the rough topics on the left side of my screen, no graphics, no nothin'. when I finally got it to click into a thread the thread was hard to follow because there was tons of useless info on each poster intermingled with the thread text and there was no physical delineation between the posts. loaded again and all seems fine, but now I don't dare close the tab. and when I click reply to thread it only lets me quick reply, which means there are no smilies available dang it

if you can make this version of the software look like the old version i would like it.

i dont contribute so im not in any position to ***** about it.

carry on.

is this uncompatible with Mozilla? cause the first time I loaded it, I got nothing but a list of the rough topics on the left side of my screen, no graphics, no nothin'. when I finally got it to click into a thread the thread was hard to follow because there was tons of useless info on each poster intermingled with the thread text and there was no physical delineation between the posts. loaded again and all seems fine, but now I don't dare close the tab. and when I click reply to thread it only lets me quick reply, which means there are no smilies available dang it
works fine on my firefox 3.5, maybe you just loaded it in the middle of the update?

I have a "View First Unread" button at the top of the thread. I'z happy nao

I'm not happy that it reloads the page though, it would be nicer if it used "bookmarks" like the wikipedia table of contents in an article does. But again, I'm not complaining (yet).
