Sam's 2006 WRX Limited


Little Stein
I figured it's about time I make a journal so I can keep track of things. So here I am. First car, bought off of Pedro with 192k miles (I know right!!), and so my adventure begins.

Pic of the car the night I bought it. It needed a little cleaning, though you can't tell from the picture, so I went about learning how to properly get the yellow rust specks/dust off the car and did so.


I may or may not have tried to take off the Hella 1000's in order to figure out why the right one was shaking about, and ended up snapping the mounting hardware (yes, both) which were made out of crappy plastic. As it turns out the part is discontinued from Hella as well as the metal version that was made to replace it. So I'm stuck without the lights for now.

List of Mods:

- K&N drop in filter

- STI Cat-back

- STI trans mount and pitch stop

- STI pink springs and struts

- Skid plate

- Delrin White shiftknob

- Trailer Hitch and wiring

- Hella FF1000s

To do list:

- Clean Headlights

- Get fog lights and yellow bulbs

- Sway Bar linkage (and sway bars?)

- Gotta fix the rattle coming from my rear left strut... oh greaaat

- Clean emblems (insides of them? Not sure how to get at them but I'll do some research when the time comes)

Will eventually get around to:

- Fixing dent on passenger front door

- touching up paint

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You sure did! You were that Forester that turned around and followed me to the high school parking lot until I pulled off and you did a little acceleration out the back of the parking lot. Correct? Your exhaust sounded fantastic by the way if in fact that was you.

I mad it a point to park next to a bugeye WRX on a different day of the clam fest. Left a mainelysubarus card on their windshield and was hoping to get a PM or something, but nothing yet.

Pshhh, ricer

I say live without fogs until you get a good deal on something aftermarket. Also, keep looking for those metal brackets. I need a pair as well.

The stock fogs are horrible.  Buy Hella 500's and mount them to the same bar. 

If you pull out the rear seat two bolts on the floor to take out the bottom, and two or three behind the bottom to take the top off, you should be able to tighten the top hat (17mm nut).  If you can't get it, let me know I'll help you out. 

they only rattle if something is loose,  that is the likely culprit.  if it is a KLUNK when you go over a bump, then they likely need to be greased.  I can show you how to do that too.

I think Pedro and Dan have you covered. That'll save you quite a few headaches.

I'll hopefully have time on Monday to get more work done on those strut spacers... Too bad students don't have access to the waterjet without supervision.

Yeah, Pedro I think I'm gonna need to stop by and have you take a look at this. I just went about tightening the strut mount screws behind the back seat backs (though they didn't seem lose) and went for a drive, and the rattle seems equally as loud, if not louder! It could be louder because the seats are off thus there is less noise dampening, but regardless I can still hear it loud and clear.

I had a friend lay in the trunk listening for the noise as I drove over some bumps. He agrees it's definitely coming from near the top of the rear left strut. It also is extremely loud and constant taking a tight right turn. It's no where near the clunking noise I have listened to on Youtube of a strut needing grease, it sounds more like a clanking metal on metal (perhaps similar to a lose exhaust rattle) sound coming from the strut.
He meant to tighten the strut mount bolt. Not the 3 small 12mm ones. The big 17mm nut in the center. Pull the metal cap off after removing the 3 12mm nuts, then you will see the top of the strut. Pull the rubber center off and you will see the 17mm nut. That might be loose.

He meant to tighten the strut mount bolt. Not the 3 small 12mm ones. The big 17mm nut in the center. Pull the metal cap off after removing the 3 12mm nuts, then you will see the top of the strut. Pull the rubber center off and you will see the 17mm nut. That might be loose.
Probably a silly question, but can I do this with the wheel on the ground or should I lift it? Idk how the strut connects to the top mount so i dont wanna screw(lol pun) anything up by doing this incorrectly and ending up making a hell of a lot more work for me.

Nice rex man, love the white
Thanks man!

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you can do it with the wheel on the ground.  Take the three nuts off, and hit the 17mm nut.  I bet that loosened up. then put everything back. 

I dont know why all the tophats knock these days but they do. I just had to fix a friends RS this afternoon, and I blew out 3 tophats at NEFR.

If you show up to pedros on a week night I'll stop by too probably. Weekends I'm pretty locked down these days.


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