Sam's 2006 WRX Limited

Rattle has been located and a temporary fix is in place! I spoke with Pedro and given some additional description, he told me that what I was hearing did not match up with a Suspension noise at all. He followed up with that by informing me the muffler hangers have always sat awfully close to the trailer hitch, and that I should check that out. 
I immediately found exactly where he was talking about and decided to test it out by throwing some folded up paper towels in the little gaps and see if the sound went away. 


I proceeded to hit every bump I could find on some back roads around my house, including some railroad tracks, and the squeak/rattle WAS GONE! Woohoo!
Now all I need is a permanent fix, because obviously paper towels won't cut it. Anyone have any ideas? I was thinking of cutting a packing peanut or two to squeeze into the gap, but I'm open to suggestions.
Other than that, I finally got around to having my headlights restored and they look fantastically improved.

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I've got a 15mm long urethane exhaust hanger... it's yours for $8.  I put these on to stop rattling too... it really stiffens up the hanger.  No slop at all.

PS - I can ship for a few extra dollars.

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Also the new "green" packing peanuts are meant to disintegrate in water, so even if it doesn't burn/melt it won't last long.

Had a sweet time on the Fall drive today in the White Mountains! Too bad I found out half way through the drive that my front left break is wearing abnormally quickly and the indicator began angrily crunching at my whenever I'd let on the break. Probably time for new breaks + rotors soon anyways, probably gonna snag some and have Meyagi throw them on for me. Will be making a post in the next couple of days regarding what breaks to get.

On another note, finally got some (3) exhaust hangers. Have one in securely, but the originally problematic one is still being a pain in my rear and haven't been able to get the original one off. The screw that's holding it in is bust, long story short it was me and my dad's fault.

Final update, trying to pick a color to go with for a color theme on my car. Repainting my wheels gunmetal grey when I swap them out for my winter set, planning on painting lug nuts, getting new breaks, and repainting my hella horn housings. Need color suggestions. Right now the two options on the table for me are classic red or this color. Thoughts?

Brakes. Don't break them!

P.S. I say keep it black/white gray. Maybe repaint the horn housings red with extra brake paint since that's the color they come, or go white to match the paint.

Or leave them...

Got me a Wix cabin air filter in the mail today from Amazon. Had been noticing a very slight stale smell for a while.

So here is the original cabin air filter, about 7 years and 195,000 miles later:




Looks great, right?

Long overdue, I threw this bad boy in an hour ago:


Are you smelling lilacs and dandelions now with your new filter?

that old filter was nasty! ;-)

Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201

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