Sent home from work! *UPDATE* Hasta la vista.


The job was only going to last a few more months before the contract was over anyway. Kinda sucks having a big ol' *TERMINATED!* on my employment history now, but oh well. Whatcha' gonna do. :tard:

Nope, not yet. I have my nextel here, I should give Dave or Jay a call, haha.

Anyone hiring an "unsafe" person who enjoys jumping into manholes, playing with water, and digging holes in the ground? :laughing1:

Not sure what you're looking for, but there are usually a couple of jobs open at the big blue box. PM me with more details and I'll take a look around

Nope, not yet. I have my nextel here, I should give Dave or Jay a call, haha.

Anyone hiring an "unsafe" person who enjoys jumping into manholes, playing with water, and digging holes in the ground? :laughing1:
Ever think of going mineing??Diging under unsafe rocks that can potentionaly fall,or sliping off the ledge ,on to rocks and into the river. sounds like a reasonable match of job and skills
I love unsafe jobs. I thrive in them.

With all the things I do...maybe I really am mentally unstable... :confused2:

Go crabbing
Dangerous enough

I was gonna say go lobstering, but not much money in it anymore

Sounds like you just need to find your place.......I have found, that following your interest [personal creative spark]is more rewarding,and mentally benificial then working Only for the sake of money,and hateing every minute of the day.Things are the way thier susposed to be ..enjoy the day :thumbsup:

So, I've been employed as a contractor for the gas company for the past few weeks now. It's an alright gig, close to what I was doing with the water company, but I'm not really happy. Just not too thrilled with doing utility work anymore. While I am employed now, I have started job searching for something that I will like. I figure I have a bit of time now to find something good. If I don't find anything by the end of the summer, I will get something part time and finish school. I still plan on finishing school if I get a better job, just may take longer. First application:

mobile empact marketing.

They're hiring in the area for...something. Marketing a video game tour or something. *shrug*

We shall see...I had to send a headshot...I guess to make sure that I'm pretty...

I'm boned :laughing4:

So, I've been employed as a contractor for the gas company for the past few weeks now. It's an alright gig, close to what I was doing with the water company, but I'm not really happy. Just not too thrilled with doing utility work anymore. While I am employed now, I have started job searching for something that I will like. I figure I have a bit of time now to find something good. If I don't find anything by the end of the summer, I will get something part time and finish school. I still plan on finishing school if I get a better job, just may take longer. First application:

mobile empact marketing.

They're hiring in the area for...something. Marketing a video game tour or something. *shrug*

We shall see...I had to send a headshot...I guess to make sure that I'm pretty...

I'm boned :laughing4:

If that stuff appeals, you might check in with Pierce Promotions:

They do some of the same.
