Shirts and sweat shirts

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Well-known member
So I've been working with a member and his wife who do screen printing and have offered to make the new batch of shirts and sweat shirts for the club, you may have seen this if you have Facebook and follow Mainelysubarus. The shirts are 100% cotton just as they use to come. Sweat shirts on the other hand are all new. We can have a choice of medium weight or heavy weight. Price difference is minimal and cheaper than previously offered. I also had the decal changed a bit and a lot cleaner. Overall I'm looking for opinions on the design and color choices. I like the grey for sweatshirts as shown and black and white would be my choice for tshirts.


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I'm also going to ask about zip up sweat shirts as some have requested those as well. No prices as of yet but they will be cheaper than before.

I'd take a grey shirt that looked exactly like the first one, size XL please. I have plenty of hoodies, but I like the idea of a zippered one.

This isn't for ordering just yet. Wanted to show you what I had going and see if any modifications were in order. After I iron out the details I'll make an officially post and where to send your payment. Once the ordering period is over I'll submit the orders I won't be making out of pocket purchases. Bit carter pretty good.

I could ask I guess. I'm going to get ahold of her this week and let her know what I want for materials and well get the ordering underway

Just FYI Matt, I can get tons of different styles, colors, etc through my workplace for fair prices.  If you want me to look into anything, lemme know. 

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