Someone's car??

come on shorty you couldn't reach that with her high heels on ;D
oh snap! that's hilarious!

no, i don't think this was the girl i saw at Ri Ra - i think the company was called exotic delites or something and there were a bunch of dancers/performers....i really didn't get a lot of information b/c i was more interested in the ones i didn't have to pay for

i don't know about this being STI KID's gf...i just assumed it was either when the previous owner had it or they took the car out for an unsupervised test-drive and snapped some pictures along the way....but it looks like there is a radar detector attached to the windshield, so i'd throw that second theory out the window (plus, i doubt patriot would let someone take an STI without a salesperson)

there were some other pictures of it on the myspace page....i'd watch out for slug trails all over the car!

You think he was the fluffer for the porn part of the filming?

That was the worst site eva! LAME

haha hey guys. sorry been real busy with work lately..haha yea that my car. and no that's no my G/f haha shes a dancer for a budy of mines business ( exotic delites) and he asked me if she could use the car for her "portfolio" ... O0 what can i say im 20yrs old.. >
