
I spotted bigsexy on 95 southbound by OOB last monday!

Saw a 06-07 CGM STI with NH plates twice today in Bangor on Union and Odlin

(the guy had the biggest spike hair Ive ever

..and last one WRX silver bugeye turning onto Odlin



sup E! hey wanna chill out at the house working the smoker...making some a few cold beers in the fridge...lazy summers day.

Saw and honked at akinaspeedstar by the Tim Horton's by the mall this morning. Was in my sisters Cherokee as my car is at Evergreen.

you actually admit to driving a JEEP!!!!! lol

sorry TyTy... i had to.

i must admit...i drive jeeps too...when im pulling Audis out of snow banks at TeamO in the winter. lol

you actually admit to driving a JEEP!!!!! lol
sorry TyTy... i had to.

i must admit...i drive jeeps too...when im pulling Audis out of snow banks at TeamO in the winter. lol
Jeeps rock. The 4.0 Cherokees are damn near unkillable. I'd have picked up a cheap-o Cherokee as a project for this summer but getting solid job stuff sorted out is killin' me. I know more about these things then I do Subarus.


saw andy's car parked on mellen st (skettttccchhhhh) with empty bike rack, so i'm assuming he was off on the bike somewhere
Oh its not that bad of an area

I was just in town for the old port fest and parked way down there rather than try to fight traffic

Saw Gabe in the Toxic XT on route 1 headed I was working on the side of the road with the big orange Asplundh trucks, I waved I don't think you saw me. Nice XT!!!

i was wondering if you were in one of the groups i seen this morning cause i also seen another set of Asplundh trucks over in durham just a few minute earlier

i was wondering if you were in one of the groups i seen this morning cause i also seen another set of Asplundh trucks over in durham just a few minute earlier
Yup I was in the group of 3 where you turned onto route 1 off from Durham Rd. That thing looks and sounds mean!!

Saw a Forester with bright yellow wheels and some business info on the windows (company car?) in Portland at ~4ish.

Not sure if that's someone here or not.

Saw a Forester with bright yellow wheels and some business info on the windows (company car?) in Portland at ~4ish.Not sure if that's someone here or not.
some t shirt company, it's designed kind of like the ghostbuster's car.

People eff with cars around there a lot?
nah, surprisingly not. but i don't tend to park on that end, i really try to stay between high and state. couple people have gotten their mirrors bashed off, and a couple smashed windows. i heard some people talking about slashed tires, but i think that was mostly people who knew each other. don't forget about the first in a couple apartment buildings last year that started with some kids randomly setting a car on fire...yeahhhh i'm pretty happy to be moving next month

spotted a sick forester sport xt in wrb today on lisbon street, and wrx04 on hotel road. apparently i blinded him when i was flashing my highbeams and blasting the horn like a mad man and then to see who could text who faster to say spotted!!!! lol such fun!!

Yesterday I saw a silver bugeye wrx parked between Hearth and Home and the new Bingas Wingas (where Bill's Pizza used to be) in Yarmouth at 2:30 and again at 3:30.

saw a blue sti and silver sti(maybe they were rex's.. not sure) at martels ice cream in saco the other night.. looked nice! I gave it some shoe when I was leaving, not sure if I was spotted or not(black fxt)

Saw Gabe again today, and he actually saw me too!! He gave me a nice toot of the....Hella Supertones? and then gave us all a nice show!! The other guys were quite impressed at how quickly a little Subaru "wagon" can get up and go!! The oldest guy there said, "what's he got under the hood?" I said it's just a little 4 cylinder!


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