
its me.......mark, are you the guy waiving at me in the new white wrx....always see it on payne rd?????
well, possibly, if i was in the car at that time. but more than likely that's WashMyScooby, who works about 15 feet from me at AT&T

Awww mystery solved. I always see it there and just thought it might be you, work rental or something but good to know another member is so close!

Saw silver wrx? yesterday on union st in bgr. Had 686 decal on rear window and exhost system. Think i saw it again heading into levant and you wer heading into bgr i was doing 65 lol. Was that u silver gt?

light saber in westbrook this shot over into the left lane as i caught up but i was stuck behind the bus......damn bus

About 800 this morning saw a slvr/white gt? Coupe. making right turn outa the khols, oldnavy steak house parking lot in bangor. It had a black stripe down The roof to its back.

Same time a rs was turning into the parking lot.

Spotted a blue older wrx 2dr with green monster decal on side windows on hammond st.
no such aminal. musta been a 4 door, bugeye/cateye or if it was indeed a coupe, it was a 2.5RS

Yours Truly,

The Spotted! Post Police

Had scoop and i think spoiler. I was kinda passing a car on te right.

dun think it was a wagn. The guy was heavy set with buzz like cut and had a wtf look on his face when i waved, as i passed by as he was trying to get onto hammond st from that bank they put in last year. On same side as that health place lol.

I was in mah slvr 2. 5Rs wagn.

Doesn't have to be a wago, they just never sent us 2 dr wrx's in the U.S. So it was either a GC 2.5 RS or a 4 door WRX

Also followed Scooby RS onto 95S today,was keeping up with him until the ding dong from Nova Scotia decide to ride 62 in the passing lane....boy o boy Max you had that girl movin'!

I see too many subarus to keep up with, but the most notable lately are a silver sti prob 05 that is parked at the corner of 26 and hotel rd in Poland at the village kitchen. I usually see him several times a week there on my way back from work. Must b making a phone calls.

A. Newer style wrb wrx that i've seen in mcfalls and auburn prob a 10 or 11 sounds nice.

There is a black wrx that I see on tHe n Raymond rd in gray a lot. Looks well taken care of other than seeing the driver smoking in it while driving!!

sonic yellow wrx sedan in Fort Kent tonight, International biathalons in town, must have been a tourist!

Blue bugeye day today I guess.....WRB WRX bugeye wagon @ Target in Bangor today.....played "Run Rabbit Run" with a WRB WRX sedan,me plate ER VET from Dixmont to Newport,and another one,blond female driving it,as we passed Wallyworld in Palmyra on Rte.2...Also shot the breeza with Max(Scooby RS) @VIP on the Odlin Rd.....


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